Use "vocally" in a sentence

1. The Japanese Communist Party is vocally against the flag.

2. Futterman and Bell found Harmony a credible rival to Rachel vocally, and eagerly anticipated future competition between them.

3. A cappella is a very vocally focused song, acting as a sort of interlude on daniel caesars, “pilgrims paradise”

4. Since 1993, the public has vocally deplored the human rights violations taking place within the military, such as extreme hazing.

5. For both languages, the results based on a total of 120 vocally healthy speakers are in line with the claim that females are universally Breathier than …

6. He shared about what it was like growing up in the 1980s as a human Beatbox, his beginnings (of Beatboxing and vocally emulating Chinese lion dance drums and cymbals), God, perseverance, what is coming up, […]

7. Crier - a peddler who shouts to advertise the goods he sells hawker , packman , peddler , pedlar , pitchman - someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals) bawler , bellower , roarer , screamer , screecher , shouter , yeller - someone who communicates vocally in a …