Use "vituperative" in a sentence

1. The rhetoric is getting more vituperative.

2. Internet chatrooms are full of vituperative anti - foreign sentiment.

3. In addition, many bloggers engage anonymously in vituperative online commentary.

4. It is doubtful that most web surfers would recognise Google in Mr Rubin's vituperative description.

5. He is often the victim of vituperative remarks concerning his wealth.

6. 12 He is often the victim of vituperative remarks concerning his wealth.

7. Joyce managed to develop and moderate his style of vituperative public rhetoric.

8. Miss Snowden yesterday launched a vituperative attack on her ex-boss and former lover.

9. We find much of concern in the current vituperative condemnation of clinical ecology.

10. Synonyms for Contumelious include abusive, invective, opprobrious, scurril, scurrile, scurrilous, truculent, vitriolic, vituperative and vituperatory

11. They had hoped those fears would prove unfounded yesterday, but the rhetoric only got more vituperative.

12. Abusive (comparative more Abusive, superlative most Abusive) Prone to treat someone badly by coarse, insulting words or other maltreatment; vituperative; reproachful; scurrilous

13. China changed its mind after vituperative outbursts online by nationalists, still angry with Japan for its occupation of China in the 1930s and 1940s.

14. Here she applies her skills to Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi and their vituperative joint interview that aired Monday on "The Bachelorette."

15. I don't accept that Britain is "Buggered up" in the first place, but this book is a wonderfully funny, vituperative analysis of some public figures in Britain

16. When I watched the vituperative Mr. Hyde, I was sure there must be a Dr. Jekyll in there somewhere(, but I was having a hard time finding him.

17. Martin “I am a serious” Amis’s book about the scrotum-tighteningly horroristic age in which we live in has attracted an exhilaratingly vituperative review by Michiko Kakutani in today’s New York Times.She starts as she means to go on, referring in the first sentence to “one of these Chuckleheaded essays”.