Use "virgin birth" in a sentence

1. These invariably Championed the doctrine of the virgin birth as the pillar on which the Incarnation depended

2. If we are truthful we may admit that we find the ideas of the virgin birth or the resurrection incredulous.

3. While Mary should not have been able to sire a son through a virgin birth, your Christmas turkey could – at least in theory.

4. An Episcopal bishop says ‘there is no holy spirit, no virgin birth, no resurrection and that he is not even sure about the almightiness of God.’

5. Most poets who write nativity poems are interested in the miracle of the virgin birth, emphasizing the Virgin Mary and the tender mother-son relationship between Mary and Jesus.

6. The result is the illogical assertion that Allegorizing OT events in no way hinders the equally extraordinary events of the NT such as the virgin birth, miracles that Christ performed, or His death and resurrection