Use "violating the law" in a sentence

1. They were charged with violating federal law.

2. 9 No one can survive violating natural law.

3. What has been the result of the world’s violating God’s law?

4. It was sued by the U.S. federal government for violating antitrust law.

5. The paradox allows for the entropy of closed systems to decrease, violating the second law of thermodynamics.

6. 26 The business administration bureau has chastised pornography vendors to prevent them from violating the law again.

7. The account does not state whether the herders were Jews who were violating the Law. —Mr 5: 14.

8. 277, § 39 The defendant is charged with violating the law by engaging in an Affray with others

9. The brand argued that companies were violating an alleged common-law trademark by importing sneakers with similar elements.

10. A lawyer defending our brothers asked: “Who are the individuals in the Moscow Congregation who are guilty of violating the law?”

11. That regime is adamantly violating Security Council resolution # including by violating Lebanese airspace

12. The Georgian government, nonetheless, met in emergency session and called the Russian action part of a defacto annexation process violating international law.

13. Were you violating that girl?

14. In Arrogating the right to overthrow the Iraqi government and depose of Saddam Hussein by force, the Bush administration is violating international law and the UN Charter.

15. I know your mom's hardly violating the omnibus clause.

16. The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.

17. Nobody is violating your freedom of religion.

18. Think a third-party partner is violating the policy?

19. * Feel remorse for violating our moral code.

20. Cancel the show first, sue her for violating the contract.

21. Amnesty International also documented the all too frequent use of blanket Amnesties granted by the President, violating international law and denying victims’ their rights to truth, justice and reparations.

22. UK Criticizes China for violating Sino-British Declaration

23. Enjoin the Defendant permanently from violating its own organization bylaws.

24. He was mulcted $50 for violating traffic regulations.

25. Jehovah, however, intervened, preventing Pharaoh from violating Sarah.

26. 9 The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.

27. Ashtabula County establishments cited for violating health orders

28. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. presents a challenge to litigation against corporations through the Alien Tort Statute, which had been a valuable mechanism to hold corporations accountable for violating international law.

29. We also updated the language addressing the consequences of violating these policies.

30. Think a third-party partner is violating this policy?

31. They should pressure the Iranian regime to stop violating its citizens’ rights.

32. Some drivers use it to avoid subconsciously violating speed limits.

33. Ensure that the creative doesn’t reference or make requests to the violating domain.

34. 24 Swilley then charged the board with violating his freedom of speech.

35. In a piece for NBC Think, Rocah detailed several of the crimes she thinks Giuliani could be implicated in.They include violating the Logan Act, federal criminal bribery and extortion, violating

36. The German population and troops generally disliked the idea of violating Dutch neutrality.

37. Colonists protested against British actions by saying the British were violating their rights.

38. Anyone found violating the honor code on any scale is dismissed from the school.

39. In 1984 alone, the Pentagon suspended 453 other companies for violating procurement regulations.

40. In the 1983 Code of Canon Law (CIC) eight other sins carry the penalty of automatic excommunication: apostasy, heresy, schism (CIC 1364:1), violating the sacred species (CIC 1367), physically attacking the pope (CIC 1370:1), sacramentally Absolving an accomplice in a sexual sin (CIC 1378:1), consecrating a bishop without authorization (CIC 1382), and directly violating the seal of

41. Do you think a third-party partner is violating this policy?

42. The newspaper also argued that the opposition had been "wilfully violating the ban on political rallies".

43. In legal terms, Contravention means violating a legal obligation or legal condition

44. If we succeed in getting the sausage without violating our values, then the sausage tastes better.

45. He was charged with "abuse of authority", "violating the right to privacy" and "resisting the police".

46. On one occasion the Pharisees had accosted Jesus and accused his disciples of violating traditions.

47. It also curiously accused Zhu of "severely violating the family planning (i.e., one-child) policy."

48. Ensure that the creative or landing page doesn’t reference or make requests to the violating domain.

49. The SEC's complaint charges Middleton and Veritaseum with violating the registration and Antifraud provisions of the U.S.

50. Affronting (also: offensive, insulting, abusive, offending, violating, scathing, scurrilous, offensively, slurring, talking shit)

51. Because we made time and space independently, was we in fact violating the time-out rule?

52. He actually proves himself disloyal to God’s kingdom by violating its moral code.

53. Y., was not violating any regulation by operating without a windlass, officials said.

54. 15 In addition to violating Company policy, Insider Trading and Tipping are illegal.


56. A boyfriend who Blackmails you is violating your trust -- and should never be accommodated

57. (b) How have selfish wives betrayed a misuse of power, violating what Scriptural injunction?

58. Hostile aerial activity violating Iraq's international boundaries from Kuwait and by way of the demilitarized zone # ctober

59. Self-contained wiring kit Bypasses your vehicle's electrical system, eliminating concerns over violating manufacturer's warranty

60. Hostile aerial activity violating Iraq's international boundaries from Kuwait and by way of the demilitarized zone # anuary # arch

61. If your account was terminated for violating the developer terms, we can no longer accept apps from you.

62. Their voices sounded shrill and incongruous, violating the silence that was appropriate in the great dome of the forest.

63. 4 Public International Law, Private International Law, International Trade Law, WTO law, International Human Rights Law, Maritime Law, International Investment Law.

64. Refusing to work, or violating center rules, results in punishment that in some cases is torture.

65. 21 Far from violating the laws of thermodynamics (as is often ignorantly alleged) they are relentlessly driven by them.

66. The consequences of violating this rule had always been unhappy in the long run and not infrequently in the short.

67. In North Korea, "violating the rules of collective socialist life" can be punished with up to two years' imprisonment.

68. Holmes sought their identities, so he could prosecute them for violating laws regarding grand jury secrecy.

69. 9 In some cases, the poltergeist is malignant, sexually violating its victim as a form of terror or control.

70. No, it did not occur to the prisoner that by violating Soviet frontiers he was endangering the upcoming summit conference.

71. The police are entitled to detain a person violating the regime governing admittance to the territory of the Republic of Lithuania

72. The case law is one of the law forms and the main law origin nowadays.

73. Holmes had subpoenaed Lenhart to name the jurors, so he could prosecute them for violating laws requiring grand jury secrecy.

74. Plus he is in lock up for violating multiple restraining orders by Aqualunging it near middle schools.

75. McGuire pleaded guilty to violating the federal Arms Export Control Act, conspiring to destroy military helicopters and aiding foreign insurgence.

76. The distinction between public law and private law dates back to Roman law.

77. 11 The International Law Division, headed by the Law Officer (International Law), advises the Government on issues relating to public international law.

78. The government is violating an agreement with UNHCR, which is supposed to monitor returning refugees and ensure they are safe.

79. The constitution was followed by Penal Law (1906), Penal Procedure Law, Commerce and Obligations Law and the Lawyer's Management Law (1910).

80. Banishments are held in public where everyone can see them, to keep the Gladers from violating the rules by means of