Use "violates" in a sentence

1. Compulsory Voting violates freedom of choice

2. The media regularly violates people's privacy .

3. This violates international laws against discrimination.

4. 12 Murder violates the categorical imperative.

5. Since Calumny violates justice, it involves the

6. This violates both Vietnamese and international law.”

7. And that violates how many SEC laws?

8. It violates their sense of fair play.

9. 19 The country violates the international agreements.

10. His action violates the codes of professional ethics.

11. Consideration is not adequate if it violates public policy

12. We may also remove content that violates applicable local laws.

13. The flag nonsense violates First Amendment free speech protections.

14. This violates Galilean invariance, a long-standing cornerstone of classical mechanics.

15. Contravention is an act that violates a legal condition or obligation

16. The requirement for work permits violates the spirit of the 1950 treaty.

17. What if you receive counsel about an action that violates no law?

18. Imposture is not allowed, violates will be punished as the regulation stipulates.

19. This kind of behavior violates many people's sense of fair play .

20. If you find content that violates this policy, please report it.

21. Content: We’ll remove content that violates any of the content policies below:

22. Claiming credit for other people's work violates our society's sense of fair play.

23. The US Supreme Court has held that Commandeering violates principles designed to prevent either

24. In Fresno — say Allowing union activists onto their property violates the constitutional prohibition

25. Revoking Qatari citizenship for existing nationals where such citizenship violates those countries' laws.

26. Where the consignor violates the previous paragraph, the carrier may refuse to carry.

27. Courts ruled that prayer in school violates a clause of the First Amendment.

28. 6 Narrowness, however, is not Gray's way, and he cheerfully violates his own editorial principles.

29. Turner's lawyers argued that the process violates a constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

30. Churning is an illegal and unethical practice that violates SEC rules and securities laws

31. Since this requires that speakers be informative, the asserting of tautologies blatantly violates it.

32. The labeling requirement violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, according to the lawsuit.

33. 6 Since this requires that speakers be informative, the asserting of tautologies blatantly violates it.

34. Trying to force people into unwanted roles violates the most basic tenet of Western culture.

35. Because violates a regulation too badly, the floor fan hugs to Looney by the hiss.

36. Robocalling occurs when a computer Autodials a number instead of a human, which violates the TCPA

37. This resolution incorporated some crypto-abortionist points and thus violates the principle of subsidiarity in this sphere.

38. And any time any one violates your human rights, you can take them to the world court.

39. Kay said the ruling violates the Fourteenth Amendment, and could affect landmark rulings on reproductive rights.

40. Publishers should not place AdSense code on pages with content that violates the Google Publisher Policies.

41. You do not have permission to access our website in any way that violates these Terms and Conditions.

42. Under this law, we may, when properly notified, disable access to content that violates applicable copyright law.

43. When a listing violates our guidelines, it’s disabled, which means the public can't access the listing anymore.

44. A cross atop city hall violates the Establishment Clause even if people remember to Avert their eyes

45. If a new driver violates a traffic law, one may be required to retake the written and driving test.

46. Adjective. Tending to stifle or suppress competition, especially when this violates antitrust laws. ‘an Anticompetitive advantage in the software industry’

47. That's because getting only red-eyed mosquitos violates a rule that is the absolute cornerstone of biology, Mendelian genetics.

48. The other kind of move that is ruled out is one that violates the hard core, as we have already mentioned.

49. 24 Contracting negligence refers to the civil liability of the contracting party who deliberately or negligently violates the pre-contract obligations.

50. "Montagnards will continue to try to flee Vietnam as long as the Vietnamese government systematically violates their basic rights," said Robertson.

51. There is no accepted international regulation of their conduct, which violates the ‘neutral character’ of a merchant vessel and raises issues of sovereignty.

52. Altruist may terminate your access and use of any part of the Site for such use or any use which violates this Agreement

53. Supreme Court ruled that the practice of conducting two-tiered interrogations, sometimes referred to as "Beachheading," (20) violates the purpose of Miranda

54. We also reserve the right to remove content that violates our policies or terms of service, and to suspend or delete abusive accounts.

55. As described in the AdSense Programme policies, copyrighted content or content that violates our site content guidelines shouldn't be the focus of your searchable content.

56. An Ahmadi can only vote if he acknowledges that he is a non-Muslim, and that violates the very basic tenet of an Ahmadi’s faith

57. Base on the data acquired from several electric meters, multi meter threshold detection calculates if the bus equilibrium rate, line loss or net loss violates the limits.

58. If you find something in the Chrome Web Store that violates the Chrome Web Store Terms of Service, or trademark or copyright infringement, let us know.

59. It is showed that one of two models violates not only these axioms but also intuition(, which is not suitable with routing for hazmat transport.

60. The impeachment charge against Trump should be dismissed because it violates the former president’s free speech and due process rights as well as being “Constitutionally flawed,” Trump

61. The lawsuit claims Minnesota's law violates the "Due Process Clause" under the 14th Amendment arguing it “separates children from the custody of fit pArents."

62. If Convergent violates any of the FDCPA laws, they could be forced to pay up to $1,000 and much more in punitive damages by a court of law.

63. Coexist A belief system which claims tolerance, but is itself a doctrine of absolute belief that all religions are ultimately equal, despite that this violates the law of non-contradiction.

64. According to a 2002 Korean Central News Agency article the NLL violates the Korean armistice agreement and the 12 mile territorial waters stipulated by the UN Maritime Convention.

65. If he accepts Bribes from suitors or criminals he makes himself practically incapable of exercising an unbiased judgment, fails in the execution of his duty, and violates his oath

66. At a meeting in Fredericton on Thursday, the officials issued a joint resolution that says the list of people considered to be potential threats to security violates privacy rights of Canadians.

67. Anything he writes is going to be forced, compelled - and with his forced fingers rude he violates the formal prosodic, the metrical, scheme of his elegy at its very opening.

68. Bishops’ ban on sacraments during pandemic violates Church law, priests can disobey: Canonist 'If the priest believes there is a violation of divine law by the bishop’s directive, he has an

69. (11, a) is infelicitous as it violates c(i) in (10) • Based on this observation and others, Austin claimed that all utterances, performatives and Constatives, in addition to their meaning

70. Cohabitation and habitual Cohabitation not only involves fornication (Hebrews 13:4), which violates Scripture, but it also gives your heart away to someone that God has not joined with you

71. (1) Whoever violates division (B) (1) or (2) of this section is guilty of Contaminating a substance for human consumption or use or contamination with a hazardous chemical, biological, or radioactive substance.

72. Thai Central Bank Warns Against ‘Illegal’ Use of Baht-Denominated Stablecoin The Bank of Thailand has deemed any activity involving the THT stablecoin "illegal" on the basis it violates the

73. "My definition of Cheating is when there is an agreement between two partners to be in a monogamous relationship and one partner violates the agreement and engages in sexual or emotional intimacy

74. 1 day ago · "Through a swift Counterattack, China manifested that any act that violates its interests or interferes in its internal affairs will be resolutely pushed back," the newspaper wrote

75. – The Adjudicating authority, acting quasi-judicially, can determine whether the resolution plan violates the provisions of any law, including section 29A of the Code, after hearing arguments from the resolution applicant as well as the CoC

76. Last Modified Date: February 24, 2021 A Balk in baseball is any action by the pitcher that violates the Balk rule, which restricts the actions of the pitcher when there is at least one runner on base

77. * If either Party at any time following entry into force of this Agreement: (A) does not comply with the provisions of Article 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9; or (B) terminates, abrogates, or materially violates a safeguards agreement with the IAEA;

78. (8) If the drug involved is a Controlled substance analog or compound, mixture, preparation, or substance that contains a Controlled substance analog, whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of possession of a Controlled substance analog

79. In three experiments, we demonstrate that moral evaluations do inform Ascriptions of intentional action, but that this relationship arises because behavior that conforms to norms (moral or otherwise) is less informative about underlying mental states than is behavior that violates norms

80. Wisconsin "Boondoggled" Into Buying Broken Down New Private Prison After buying a private prison for $87.1 million, the Wisconsin Legislature is crying foul upon discovering the Stanley prison violates electrical, plumbing, and safety codes that will cost $5 million to repair.