Use "vino" in a sentence

1. VANEZ VINO Accorded was thinking about making a change

2. Pocket vino: We review 5 apps for managing your wine Cellar

3. 2020 But increasingly, chefs are tossing the vino and grabbing for a Brewski.

4. Vino Coterie is the result of five friends and a trip to Napa

5. (Don Giovanni's "Champagne Aria": "Fin ch'han dal vino calda la testa" – "Till they are tipsy").

6. Podravje may be followed by the expression ‘mlado vino’ the names can also be used in adjective form

7. The prospect of vino from the Indian subcontinent may raise eyebrows, but the 'wine atlas’ is fast expanding

8. Primorska may be followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can also be used in adjective form

9. Chomp is Santa Fe's first food hall, anchored by Bottega del Vino, a full bar focusing on accessibly priced wines and cocktails

10. He is often referred to by the nickname "Vino" and is known to be a fearless attacker and a good all-rounder.

11. Te recomendamos Adobarla o marinarla en salsa barbacoa o vino tinto, o aliñarla con hierbas aromáticas y especias naturales

12. Let’s Talk about Wine… Getting Vino on the Go as an RVer or Boater! Mar 21, 2021 By Cherie Ve Ard 4 Comments

13. Para la carne, Adobarla (previamente salpimentada) de ambos lados y llevar al horno medio por una hora y media (en placa con vino blanco y tapada con papel aluminio)

14. Chianti is similar to other Sangiovese-based wines from Italy, notably Brunello di Montalcino (which is a bit more powerful and longer-lived in the cellar), Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, and Montecucco Sangiovese

15. Poner la carne en un bol amplio y Adobarla con el vino, la mitad del aceite, la cebolla, el ajo, el laurel, el romero y la salvia, untándolas muy bien con las manos

16. Ubi Perimedes atque Eurilocus victimas habuere: ipse acuto e femore gladio obstricto Cubitalem foveam longe lateque cavavi, atque eam circum omnibus mortis libavi, primum melli atque lacte, deinde suavi vino, deinde etiam aqua; albam autem farinam spargebam.

17. Liqueur wine (Vino generoso) of ‘Jerez-Xérès-Sherry’, ‘Manzanilla-Sanlúcar de Barrameda’, ‘Montilla-Moriles’ dry PDOs, of sharp aroma, countersunk, smooth and full to paladar, of color amber or gold, with acquired alcoholic strength between 16–22°.

18. Liqueur wine (Vino generoso) of “Jerez-Xérès-Sherry”, “Manzanilla-Sanlúcar de Barrameda”, “Montilla-Moriles” dry PDOs, of sharp aroma, countersunk, smooth and full to paladar, of color amber or gold, with acquired alcoholic strength between 16–22°.

19. Some examples include Boyos de vino (biscocho cookies made with wine); Boyos de rayo (flaky cheese biscuits) and just plain Boyos, which are savory pastries filled with spinach, or cheese, or spinach & cheese (yes, there are more kinds of Boyos)

20. Bimetallist energiressource micans flower head momentously the laity zavist clou (art) svigermor aktivni sadržaj rozator privat ejendomsret til produktionsfaktorerne einbasig (u.E.) (Adj) neutralitet suspense and reminder diary flee dad shout orgia amenity bukavac L’ asino porta il vino e beve l’ acqua

21. Liqueur wine (vino generoso) of ‘Jerez-Xérès-Sherry’ and ‘Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda’, ‘Montilla Moriles’ whose organoleptic characteristics consists of the aroma of an amontillado and palate and colour similar to those of an oloroso, and with an acquired alcoholic strength between 16 and 22 percent.

22. Liqueur wine (vino generoso) of “Jerez-Xérès-Sherry” and “Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda”, “Montilla Moriles” whose organoleptic characteristics consists of the aroma of an amontillado and palate and colour similar to those of an oloroso, and with an acquired alcoholic strength between 16 and 22 percent.

23. The body is hand painted in polychrome enamels in the Bristol delft style and decorated with a figure of a Chinese gentleman Beckoning to a distant flock of birds.: I found it Beckoning, almost like a mirage, in the form of the Vino Volo wine bar.: He was the P.T

24. Page 63 LEXICO CUBANO 63 Agrioso-sa.-Pichardo estima el termino como una corruptela de agriado; Arboleya manifiesta que es lo que principia a agriarse; Macias se limita a sefialar la opini6n de Arboleya, agregando que el vulgo de Cuba dice muy graficamente Agrioso por agriado, por ejemplo: vino Agrioso

25. Según la receta tradicional, hay que lavar la lamprea y eliminar la primera capa de su piel, desangrarla, Adobarla durante veinticuatro horas en una mezcla de vino, su propia sangre y varios elementos aromáticos para luego guisarla durante media hora, aproximadamente, junto a un sofrito y el adobo.

26. With 8 different sub-zones, varying rules on production, a classification called Superiore that can be used in 7 of the 8 zones, and a number of wines that could be labeled either as Chianti or things like Brunello di Montalcino or Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, it's no wonder consumers are confused.

27. JARRETE CON SALSA DE ALMENDRAS INGREDIENTES 1½ kg de jarrete de ternera 150 g de almendras laminadas 1 vaso de vino fino 3 huevos cocidos 2 cebollas Caldo de carne Dientes de ajo Perejil Harina Aceite de oliva Sal ELABORACIÓN Cortar la carne en trozos y Adobarla en un majado de ajos, perejil y sal

28. Sherry (vino de Jerez) is a fortified Andalusian wine which enjoys great international prestige, particularly in Anglo-Saxon countries, and comes in a range of varieties to suit different tastes, e.g., fino (dry and light, usually drunk chilled), manzanilla (a pale, dry fina from Sanlúcar de Barrameda), amontillado (amber-coloured full dry or semi-dry), dulce (sweet) and oloroso (dark, full-bodied).

29. 16 hours ago · Aunque comparten el mismo ADN, a diferencia de su "prima" francesa de la región de Cahors -con un terroir que imprime al vino un carácter más vegetal, menos frutado- y lo obliga a Amalgamarse en barrica, nuestro Malbec, de taninos muy redondos y carácter frutado, puede lanzarse al mercado joven, con un breve paso por madera"

30. ), and he Besought the people to save themselves from them.), y rogó a la gente que se libraron de ellos.: Demetrius hearing of Andrew's miracles, came, fell at his feet, and Besought help.: Demetrio oyendo de los milagros de Andrés, vino, cayó a sus pies y rogó por ayuda.: My mom Besought a lot till he went.: Mi madre suplicó una mucho hasta que él se fue