Use "vilna" in a sentence

1. The Vilna Gaon, as well as his rival Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, both wrote commentaries on the Aggadot of Rabbah Bar Bar Hannah

2. The Betar movement has ignored a melancholy chapter of its history that occurred in the Vilna ghetto during the Holocaust: the execution by Jews of other Jews who Collaborated with the Nazis

3. In the days before the diplomats had to leave Vilna, the Japanese Consul Sempo Sugihara and the Dutch Consul Cooperated with local Jews and issued visas that allowed for the escape of the Mir Yeshiva rabbis and students to Shanghai.

4. Der Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln, un Rusland (The General Union of Jewish Workers in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia), known simply as the Bund, was founded in Vilna in October 1897 by a small group of Jews who were profoundly influenced by Marxism

5. ‘Klausner was born near Vilna in 1874 and began his education in a traditional Jewish heder, or schoolhouse.’ ‘I remember this; when I was about nine or ten, and fervent into my Jewish education (I used to go to extra Cheder (Hebrew school) on Tuesday, just because I …

6. ‘Klausner was born near Vilna in 1874 and began his education in a traditional Jewish heder, or schoolhouse.’ ‘I remember this; when I was about nine or ten, and fervent into my Jewish education (I used to go to extra Cheder (Hebrew school) on Tuesday, just because I …