Use "villus" in a sentence

1. The outermost layer has a villus border.

2. The villus-crypt-ratio is of particular importance.

3. Objectives: To compare the levels of pain and anxiety associated with amniocentesis (AC), transabdominal Chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS), and transcervical Chorionic villus sampling (TC-CVS)

4. 6 words related to Chorion: amniote, Chorionic villus, mammal, mammalian, fetal membrane, sac

5. Among the controls, 50% of the villus-crypt-ratios were between 1.6 and 3.5.

6. A Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) checks cells from the placenta for chromosomal abnormalities

7. 6 words related to chorion: amniote, Chorionic villus, mammal, mammalian, fetal membrane, sac

8. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a test that can find certain problems with your fetus

9. Light microscopic examination and analysis of height of the jejunum and colon villus were performed.

10. The growth rate , the apparent digestibility and the small intestinal villus of the fish were measured.

11. A small group (approximately 5–10% of the patients) develops chronic severe pouchitis with total villus atrophy.

12. Treatment Some forms of CAH can be detected in prenatal tests like amniocentesis or villus sampling.

13. 15 Coelocentesis: a new technique for early prenatal diagnosis Chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis have disadvantages.

14. This study justified the use of villus height as an indicator of the nutritional state in rats.

15. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a test some pregnant women have to screen their baby for genetic problems

16. Furthermore, if parental mutations are known, DNA testing of amniotic fluid or chorionic villus samples may be performed.

17. Chorionic villus sampling often referred to as CVS, is a diagnostic test for identifying chromosome abnormalities and other inherited disorders

18. This atrophy was a true atrophy and characterized by a decrease in villus height, mucosal thickness and mitotic activity.

19. Mucosal hypertrophy—i.e. increase of villus height, crypt length and mitotic activity—is the initial stage of this process.

20. Conventional prenatal diagnosis entails removing fetal cells, either from the amniotic fluid (amniocentesis) or from the placenta (chorionic villus sampling, CVS).

21. An alternative to amniocentesis is chorionic villus sampling which is usually performed transabdominally between 10+0 and 14+0 GA.

22. Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling are more reliable tests, but they increase the risk of miscarriage between 0.5 and 1%.

23. amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling and subsequent chromosome analysis, which will allow either the definite exclusion or an accurate diagnosis of chromosomal aberration.

24. The techniques (amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, fetal blood sampling, placentocentesis, fetal cells from maternal blood) all involve obtaining fetal cells for analysis.

25. In partial atrophy, more than 70% and in subtotal atrophy, more than 90% of the villus-crypt-ratios were below 0.6.

26. Villus circumference and height, crypt length and the number of absorptive cells per unit length were used to indicate structural change.

27. This osmiophilic layer, about 250 Å in diameter, forms numerous villus-like folds and vesicle-like invaginations into the interior of the cyst.

28. Results: Acid exposure caused detachment of the upper 2 thirds of the villi resulting in short villus formation (54±4% damaged, n=8).

29. The benefit of chorionic villus sampling is that termination of pregnancy can still be performed in the first trimester if fetal abnormality is detected.

30. The chorionic villus, which is regarded as the extraembryonal tissue, represents the essential embryonal DNA fingerprint pattern, while the decidual membrane reveals the maternal one.

31. Functionally, there was a highly significant reduction in transport capacity and this was related to the decrease in villus height as shown for glucose.

32. Slightly increasing chorionic villus sampling is compensated by a clearly decreasing rate of amniocentesis, despite 25% of pregnancies occurring in women over 35 years of age!

33. The histological alterations consist of mucosal hypertrophy and a reduction in the villus height: crypt length ratio, which is indicative of a hyper-regenerative change.

34. Work on the development of noninvasive prenatal tests to avoid risk to the fetus in traditional amniocentesis or chorion villus biopsy has been ongoing for many years.

35. Background: During pregnancy, fetal cells suitable for genetic testing can be obtained from amniotic fluid by Amniocentesis (AC), placental tissue by chorionic villus sampling (CVS), or fetal blood

36. The papillary tips consisted of a homogeneous basement membrane-like material with wide lymph spaces into which the tumor cells penetrated with villus-like basal projections.

37. The histoblasts accumulate at the villus near the micropyle. The other cell types orientate in a three-dimensional pattern at the micropyle, according to a developing gradient.

38. The 7DHC:total sterol ratio can be measured at 11–12 weeks of gestation by chorionic villus sampling, and elevated 7DHC in amniotic fluid can be measured by 13 weeks.

39. The risk from the procedure is greater the earlier it is performed, thus amniocentesis is not recommended before 15 weeks gestational age and chorionic villus sampling before 10 weeks gestational age.

40. Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling leave very little time to make this decision (abortions become more difficult as the pregnancy advances), and can also pose severe risks to the mother and baby.

41. The UR Medicine Cytogenetics Laboratory is a full service laboratory providing constitutional and neoplastic analysis of blood, bone marrow, amniotic fluid, chorionic villus, solid tissue, and tumor specimens using conventional chromosome G-banding and molecular techniques.

42. Among cases that are detected by routine amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, one study found that the prevalence of Turner syndrome among tested pregnancies was 5.58 and 13.3 times higher, respectively, than among live neonates in a similar population.

43. The best performing screening tests are able to identify more than 90 % of trisomy 21 cases with a 5 % rate of false positives but positive screening results require confirmation with diagnostic testing, such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS).

44. Chorion - the outermost membranous sac enclosing the embryo in higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals) amniote - any member of the Amniota Chorionic villus - one of the tiny villi that stick out of the fetal Chorion and combine with the mother's uterine tissue to form the placenta