Use "vigilance reaction" in a sentence

1. Vigilance is vital.

2. Our vigilance never languished.

3. This is the time for vigilance.

4. This property is sometimes called vigilance.

5. She stressed the need for constant vigilance.

6. Drugs are a problem that requires constant vigilance.

7. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 

8. But Jackie Tiptoe managed to evade her vigilance.

9. We shouldn't relax our vigilance at any time.

10. 26 She stressed the need for constant vigilance.

11. 21 But Jackie Tiptoe managed to evade her vigilance.

12. People like the station commander kept on about vigilance.

13. (Matthew 24:42) How do we maintain spiritual vigilance?

14. You cannot afford to relax your vigilance for a moment.

15. Codespell Cleric (1) Creature — Human Cleric (1/1) Vigilance

16. Police urged continued vigilance in the fight against crime.

17. Never relax your vigilance while you live in peace.

18. Vigilance and a proportionate response are required of leaders.

19. Vigilance matter of staff working under this Collectorate North

20. Did he berate them for their lack of vigilance?

21. Close Affronty with tailfeathers displayed: Vigilance: seen only with Cranes

22. 28 synonyms for Alertness: watchfulness, vigilance, agility, wariness, quickness, liveliness

23. 11 Reaction course include alkyl reaction, sulfonic reaction and neutralization reaction.

24. The Vigilance Committee was the forerunner of the Cadet Honor Committee.

25. Caution; Circumspection; vigilance in guarding against evil from every quarter

26. And in this situation, such vigilance was called for.

27. The birds cannot afford to relax their vigilance against predators.

28. We sighed with relief, congratulating our-selves on our vigilance.

29. And it would be impossible to provide constant vigilance at future exhibitions.

30. Government officials increased vigilance against foreign infiltration under the guise of religion.

31. You should sharpen your vigilance, and not board a pirate ship.

32. And attacks from various diseases, locusts and wasps require constant vigilance.

33. 'Vigilance' Imagines A Chillingly Familiar Future Reports of mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso have dominated the news in recent days; Robert Jackson Bennett's novella Vigilance draws a …

34. 10 To obey the command “keep on the watch” requires constant vigilance.

35. As IMF Managing Director, my message was one of vigilance and action.

36. Mr. Banks Obviously Customs and Excise must be congratulated on its vigilance.

37. Once they lose those bright feathers they can afford to relax their vigilance.

38. Guaranteeing the safety of students requires continued vigilance on the part of teachers.

39. 9 Mr. Banks Obviously Customs and Excise must be congratulated on its vigilance.

40. Reaction Pigmentation Sorbitol fermentation MUG reaction Acid production

41. The watchman remains at his post day and night, never letting his vigilance flag.

42. Better have no war for a thousand days than slacken your vigilance for one day.

43. An addition reaction is the reverse of an elimination reaction.

44. The reaction occurring in the Calomel electrode is the reaction you present as "overall cell reaction"

45. After completion of the reaction, a reaction product discharged from the heat-conducting reaction vessel is continuously cooled.

46. In his Concentration on the job in hand, John allowed his normal vigilance to slip.

47. 17 Avoiding Satan’s snares will require constant vigilance on your part —and sometimes, great courage.

48. In his concentration on the job in hand, John allowed his normal vigilance to slip.

49. But his wariness, his incessant powers of observation and vigilance, set him apart from others.

50. Nothing guarantees America’s Apolitical military except the vigilance of both America’s civilian and military leaders

51. As long as this godless system of things lasts, being modest calls for constant vigilance.

52. Question Identify the elementary reaction below that is a Bimolecular reaction

53. 2 An acid-base reaction is often called a neutralization reaction.

54. Since Blue is only one man, he realizes that constant vigilance is not expected of him.

55. Erecting and maintaining barriers between the public and private aspects of life demands energy and vigilance.

56. The implication is that males need maintain high levels of vigilance only when in nuptial plumage.

57. Synonyms for Alertness include watchfulness, vigilance, attentiveness, circumspection, wariness, carefulness, agility, awareness, chariness and heedfulness

58. E.g. vigilance alarm function (See Annex A, index 32, clause 5.7 and Annex A, index 33.

59. Here is another example of the need for vigilance when assessing usually well-intentioned accounts of distress.

60. Process for producing succinic acid using highly efficient reaction system comprising batch type reaction system and circulation type reaction system

61. There are three stages during sealed reaction:low sealed reaction stage, transition stage and sealed reaction formation stage(highly sealed reaction stage).

62. This reaction between the Acids and bases is known as neutralization reaction

63. Securing these Chemicals against growing and evolving threats requires vigilance from both the private and public sector.

64. Injection site reaction Pyrexia Allergic/Anaphylactic reaction Blood pressure abnormal Dizziness Pruritus Rash

65. At the end of reaction, besides methylenation reaction, there still exists a decomposition reaction of the ether linkage, and a little amount of ether linkage still occurs after the end of reaction.

66. Key words: alkali-aggregate reaction, alkali-silica reaction, alkali-carbonate reaction, petrography, testing of concrete aggregates, performance of concrete, survey, remedial measures.

67. The size of antigen in precipitation reaction is larger than the Agglutination reaction.

68. Logan's reaction was predictable.

69. Metaphor: e.g. chain reaction

70. Their reaction dismayed him.

71. Bromination Summary: The reaction of bromine with (E)-stilbene is a classic reaction performed as an example of an electrophilic addition reaction of alkenes

72. Answered: to speak or write in reaction to a question or to another reaction

73. This may require additional vigilance on any occasion when tensions are heightened in the community outside the prison.

74. A single chemical reaction is said to have undergone Autocatalysis, or be autocatalytic, if the reaction product is itself the catalyst for that reaction.

75. Autocatalysis A single chemical reaction is said to have undergone Autocatalysis, or be autocatalytic, if the reaction product is itself the catalyst for that reaction.

76. Vigilance ensures that the driver is sufficiently alert (and by implication sufficiently alert to be aware of the signalling).

77. I had my routines: constant vigilance, my antidote to the sin of sleeping and the undomesticated world of dreams.

78. The energetic (reaction enthalpy) and kinetic data (reaction order, enthalpy and entropy of activation) of this reaction were determined by means of differential scanning calorimetry.

79. 3 The decomposition reaction is endothermic reaction for the ground state of hydrazine, but it is exothermic reaction for the first excited singlet state of hydrazine.

80. The call to Commitment is a call to constant vigilance in maintaining and understanding the standards of that Commitment