Use "videotaped" in a sentence

1. Conducting unstructured or structured interviews (sometimes Audiotaped or videotaped)

2. A nosy neighbor actually videotaped them in their own backyard.

3. Conducting unstructured or structured interviews (sometimes Audiotaped or videotaped)

4. They videotaped people on a bus, and then they post- processed the video.

5. The entire incident was videotaped for a piece Riley titled Belmont Island (SMEACC).

6. According to prosecutors, Corrales videotaped himself Brutalizing the 4-month-old puppy named Canelo

7. Jules Naudet, a French cameraman, and Pavel Hlava, a Czech immigrant, videotaped the crash.

8. • Videotaped copies of the advertisements are available to the media by calling (613) 941-8189

9. The House continued to be responsible for taping proceedings and providing a live feed and videotaped replays.

10. These Skilled-Workers Seminars were videotaped, and the videos were then used at the hubs to train additional volunteers.

11. Republican mayoral nominee Curtis Sliwa made Bigoted generalizations about Jews in a 2018 videotaped rant in which he accused the ultra-orthodox …

12. Admissability OF VIDEOTAPED INTERVIEWS/STATEMENTS IN CRIMINAL CHILD ABUSE PROCEEDINGS (updated September 2010) This compilation contains legislation, session laws, and codified statues

13. The Virginia Republican was videotaped using the word "macaca" in reference to an American of Indian descent who worked for the campaign of Allen's opponent, Democrat James Webb.

14. A party desiring to use an Audiotaped or videotaped deposition pursuant to Rule 1-032 NMRA shall be responsible for having available appropriate playback equipment and an operator

15. A confrontation was photographed and videotaped at close range between a wild alpha male wolf (Canis lupus) of known history and an alien adult on Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada.

16. ‘The interviews were Audiotaped and then transcribed for analysis.’ ‘Focus groups were Audiotaped and videotaped and later transcribed using the Audiotaped versions of the meetings.’ ‘The interview tapes were transcribed verbatim and assigned a unique identifier for each participant.’

17. While telesupervision does not meet the criteria for direct supervision in Arizona, indirect supervision is defined as: "supervisory activities, other than direct supervision that are performed by a licensed speech-language pathologist and that may include consultation, record review, and review and evaluation of Audiotaped or videotaped sessions."

18. ‘The way he Astutely details intelligence operations appeals to me at many levels.’ ‘The young man Astutely observed him in action and tried to absorb the great lessons his boss had to teach.’ ‘He Astutely pointed out that when either teachers or students know they are being videotaped, they tend to not behave normally.’