Use "victoria cross" in a sentence

1. Anderson was awarded a Victoria Cross for his fighting withdrawal.

2. 25 The commanding officer is putting Sergeant Green in for the Victoria Cross.

3. It was during this fighting that Arthur Stanley Gurney performed the actions for which he was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross.

4. Acholi tribesman Eduardo Omara from Uganda, attending a reunion of recipients of the Victoria Cross and George Cross and to be presented to Queen Max Delany Leaders from Uganda’s Acholi region watch a screening of a hugely popular internet video calling for the capture of rebel commander Joseph

5. Once again, the anti-tank defences were overwhelmed and about 380 New Zealanders were taken prisoner including Captain Charles Upham who gained a second Victoria Cross for his actions including destroying a German tank and several guns and vehicles with grenades despite being shot through the elbow by a machine gun bullet and having his arm broken.