Use "vestibular" in a sentence

1. Acute vestibular paralysis should be strictly distinguished from vestibular neuronitis.

2. Most acoustic neuromas (AN) originate from the inferior vestibular nerve (IVN).

3. There are many different types of Ataxia (cerebellar, sensory, vestibular)

4. A viral inflammation of the vestibular nerve is the suspected cause.

5. There are many different types of Ataxia (cerebellar, sensory, vestibular)

6. Methods Retrospective study the cases in 11 aged patients with vestibular neuritis.

7. Audiology Inner Ear Cochlea Buddy, crochet cute unique cochlea Audiologist ENT doctor vestibular Au.D

8. Ameliorating effect of noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation (nGVS) on posture varies among subjects

9. Symmetrical papular genital lesions Coronal sulcus (pearly penile papules) Vestibular papillae (micropapillomatis labialis)

10. 17 Yoga can train your baby's sense of balance and develop his vestibular system.

11. Acute vestibular paralysis may not be considered as a nosologic entity but as a syndrome.

12. Bilateral vestibular hypofunction and loss can occur as secondary to a number of different problems including ototoxicity, meningitis, sequential vestibular neuritis, progressive disorders, autoimmune disorders, chronic inflammatory peripheral polyneuropathy, congenital loss, and neurofibromatosis.

13. An acoustic neuroma is a schwannoma on the vestibular nerve in the brain.

14. Background: Most tumors of the internal auditory canal are acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas).

15. There is interaction between vestibular and median nerve afferents within the overlap zone.

16. There are several cases where people with schwannomatosis have developed a vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma).

17. Thirty-five patients with vestibular (25) and cerebellar (10) Ataxy were medicated by betacerc during 21 days

18. For the first time in a human with long-term bilateral vestibular areflexia, it has been shown that the VOR can be evoked by Ampullar stimulation, even when there has been no vestibular function for almost 20 years.

19. Antiemetics frequently are used to treat nausea induced by vestibular or central nervous system causes

20. Units which were found to be responsive to acoustic stimulation also responded to vestibular stimulation (Fig.

21. The vestibular system is the region of the inner ear where the semicircular canals converge, close to the Cochlea.

22. What the cerebellum does to sensorimotor and vestibular control, it also does to Cognition, emotion, and autonomic function

23. A disproportionate number of agoraphobics have weak vestibular function and consequently rely more on visual or tactile signals.

24. In senior dogs, Circling is often due to canine vestibular disease or canine cognitive dysfunction (a.k.a dementia or Doggie Alzheimer’s).

25. 4 Vestibular schwannomas are the most common cranial nerve (CN) schwannoma, followed by trigeminal and facial and then glossopharyngeal and vagus schwannomas.

26. Using air (AC) and bone conduction (BC) the vestibular receptors and afferents of the otolith organs can be activated to varying degrees.

27. The epithelial lining of normal human vestibular gingiva and the adjoining alveolar mucosa was subjected to a comparative stereological analysis.

28. The perception and conversion of motion stimuli by the vestibular receptors, unimpaired postural control and intact visual acuity are essential for spatial orientation.

29. The vestibular Autorotation test (VAT) is a high-frequency, active head rotation (AHR) test to subjectively evaluate the VOR and its function

30. By means of noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS), it may be possible to ameliorate movement disorders, particularly Akinesic symptoms, in patients with …

31. Audiology is a dynamic and rapidly growing healthcare profession founded on the science of hearing and the study of auditory and vestibular processes

32. Like midline stimulation, efferent-mediated slow excitation of vestibular Afferents was also seen during ipsilateral stimulation and was the predominant form of efferent-mediated excitation in

33. Thus, proprioceptive neck muscle afferents gain direct access to vestibulospinal, vestibulooculomotor and other secondary or even higher order vestibular neurons that receive labyrinthine input.

34. Ataxia can be the chief complaint or part of the presenting symptoms, and it is usually caused by cerebellar dysfunction, impaired vestibular or proprioceptive afferent input to the cerebellum.

35. After fenestration of the lateral semicircular canal in pigeons, a vestibular whole nerve action potential (VAP) could be recorded during acoustic stimulation. The cochlear whole nerve action potential (CAP) was recorded simultaneously.

36. Roland, who heads the Clinical Center for Auditory, Vestibular and Facial Nerve Disorders at UT Southwestern and who is also chief of pediatric otology at Children's Medical Center Dallas.

37. 14 The wall before nerve bosomy all alone is located in external auditory meatus sometimes or parallel cross vestibular window, this kind of mutation brings difficulty to the operation.

38. "Motion sickness" is the general term describing a group of common nausea syndromes originally attributed to motion-induced cerebral ischemia, stimulation of abdominal organ afferents, or overstimulation of the vestibular organs of the inner ear.

39. The researchers note, “Acupuncturing at Neiguan (PC6) could selectively evoke hemodynamic response of insula and cerebellar-hypothalamus in order to exert modulatory effects on vestibular functions, indicating the specific treatment effect on nausea and vomiting.”

40. When patients Complain of symptoms in the anterior nose or vestibular region, the etiology can include hair follicle inflammation, cysts, nasal polyps, and neoplasms, including papilloma and skin- or mucosa-based malignancies.

41. A technical neurofeedback system applies an additional (acoustic, galvanic, vibrotactile) stimulus to the patient while performing vestibular exercises. This stimulus is dependent on the extent of postural deviation of the patient from a normal (ideal) position in space.

42. A scientist working at Sydney University's Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory reports growing evidence that infrasound may affect some people's nervous system by stimulating the vestibular system, and this has shown in animal models an effect similar to sea sickness.

43. The peripheral system includes the external ear (Auricle and ear canal), the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, the middle ear (three small and connected bones: malleus, incus, and stapes), the oval window boundary, and the inner ear (vestibular system and cochlea)

44. To determine whether a multifaceted vestibular-related rehabilitation program (Balance and Eye-Movement Exercises for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis; Beems) improves balance in persons with MS and whether there are differences in outcomes based on brainstem/cerebellar lesion involvement.

45. Accelerometric balance assessment has been repeatedly compared with other quantitative and qualitative balance assessment methods with positive results in different populations (elderly with a history of falls or post-stroke, patients with Huntington’s or Parkinson’s disease, and those with Friedreich’s ataxia with vestibular disorder) .

46. Audiometry is an application framework written in C# and based on WPF and .NET that enables accurate digital recording, search, analysis, graphical visualization, and reproduction of human audio-vestibular impairment test data to assist in hearing loss or disability diagnosis.

47. In 20 students the subjective and optomotor aftereffects of an optokinetic stimulation were investigated in a comparative study: circular vection (CV), excitablity of pseudocoriolis effects, inhibition of vestibular coriolis effects after optical motion stimuli during selfrotation of the same speed, duration of optokinetic afternystagmus (OKN-A).

48. Audiologist Audiology A non-MD health care professional trained to identify and measure hearing impairment and related disorders–eg, balance or vestibular disorders and tinnitus, and rehabilitate Pts with impaired hearing and related disorders; Audiologists use various tests and procedures to assess hearing and balance Salary $52K + 6% bonus.

49. Weightlessness can affect the vestibular function, primarily the otolith function, both directly due to the loss of gravitational influence and by eliminating the support and minimizing proprioceptive Afferentation, influencing indirectly through the central integrative multisensory structures of the central nervous system (CNS), where the convergence of afferent signals of various sensory

50. HUMAN FACTORS AND AIRMANSHIP AVIATION PHYSIOLOGY 1 Hypoxia/hyperventilation 2 Orientation/disorientation/visual and vestibular illusions 3 Sleep/fatigue AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY 1 Decision-making process 2 Factors that influence decision-making 3 Situational awareness PILOT − EQUIPMENT/MATERIALS RELATIONSHIP 1 Controls and displays — errors in interpretation and control i.e. ADF/VOR RMI 2 Cockpit visibility — seat position. 3 Correct use of charts, checklists, manuals

51. The oscillations of head, trunk and pelvis during level walking are the result of a compass gait [].If seen by an observer moving at the mean velocity of progression, they are characterised by quasi sinusoidal trajectories which, as such, allow for minimal Accelerations and, thus, for the stabilisation of the optic flow, for a more effective processing of the vestibular system signals, and for