Use "vesicles" in a sentence

1. Most of the nerve varicosities contained a large majority of small agranular vesicles along with some large granular vesicles, but about 20% contained a few small granular vesicles as well.

2. Bisecting GlcNAc modification diminishes the pro-metastatic functions of small extracellular vesicles from breast cancer cells J Extracell Vesicles

3. Vesicles were prepared by the method of Chobanian.

4. Priming Babylonics Morphological definition of docking Docked vesicles are traditionally defined as those vesicles that appear closely apposed to the plasma membrane …

5. Other symptoms of Atopic dermatitis include blisters (vesicles), skin

6. If such vesicles are extremely abundant pumice is formed.

7. 20 The testis sacs communicate with the seminal vesicles.

8. Vesicles can also fuse with other organelles within the cell.

9. Free electrophoresis method for isolating ribosomes and natural membrane vesicles

10. Adaptins are subunits of adaptor protein (AP) complexes involved in the formation of intracellular transport vesicles and in the selection of cargo for incorporation into the vesicles.

11. Firstly, by studying radiolabelled ion uptake into isolated plasma membrane vesicles.

12. These five vesicles differentiate into the final structure of the brain.

13. The alpha Adaptins are exclusively found in the endocytic coated vesicles

14. COPI coated vesicles are responsible for retrograde transport from the Golgi to the ER, while COPII coated vesicles are responsible for anterograde transport from the ER to the Golgi.

15. They are constructed by the fusion of biocompatible Aunss and MPCM vesicles

16. Axon profiles containing small agranular vesicles characteristic of cholinergic nerves and small granular vesicles characteristic of adrenergic nerves were seen in close association with airway smooth muscle and with one another.

17. Nerve varicosities, mostly containing a predominance of small agranular vesicles with some containing a predominance of large granular vesicles, are located outside muscle bundles, usually in small- to medium-sized bundles.

18. Their fibers show varicosities containing transmitter vesicles and mitochondria with longitudinally orientated cristae.

19. Donor and acceptor membranes consisted of unilamellar (ULV) and multilamellar (MLV) vesicles, respectively.

20. Composition comprising extracellular vesicles derived from a fermented food and a use therefor

21. They are similar to vesicles in shape and usually have an inflammatory areola.

22. Blisters, also known as vesicles, can occur in all age groups and populations

23. Neurotransmitter molecules are contained in tiny bags called vesicles inside the axon tip.

24. Adaptor protein (AP) complexes are heterotetramers that select cargo for inclusion into transport vesicles

25. The vesicles that incorporate the pesticide are, in turn, adsorbed, on a clay mineral.

26. Chloroplast structure The internal (thylakoid) membrane vesicles are organized into stacks, which reside in a matrix known as the stroma. All the chlorophyll in the Chloroplast is contained in the membranes of the thylakoid vesicles.

27. First, Catecholamines escape from their storage vesicles and accumulate in the cytoplasm of the neuron

28. Other names for Blisters are vesicles (usually for smaller Blisters) and bulla (for larger Blisters).

29. Key words: programmed cell death, tomato seed, precursor protease vesicles, transmission electron microscopy, gibberellic acid.

30. 14 The seminal vesicles can become infected and inflamed, as may the epididymis and testis.

31. With vesicles, oozing or bullae: Pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles, epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria, hand-foot-mouth-disease, acrodermatitis enteropathica and scabies in children are possible differential diagnoses for vesicles on the palms and soles.

32. With increasing Cholate concentration, the vesicular structures changed size and more multilamellar vesicles were seen

33. The substrate of the cytosomes is introduced by the micropinocytic vesicles containing the nutrient medium.

34. Pinocytic vesicles were present near the plasma membrane and basement membrane was present around these cells.

35. Vesicles are small Blisters less than 5 mm in diameter.; A bulla is a larger Blister

36. The Bacteriorhodopsin-based anchoring system was used to construct solid-supported vesicles from streptavidin-coated microspheres

37. The agranular endoplasmic reticulum of the oocyte is primarily vesicular; the vesicles probably store nutritive substances.

38. Protein chemistry Adaptins can be purified in milligram quantities from coated vesicles isolated from brain hom- ogenates. Such preparations contain a mixture of both populations of coated vesicles: those derived from the plasma membrane and those derived from the TGN.

39. They have different forms: areas of vascularized trophoblast in early pregnancy, small irregular Areolae, vesicles and cysts

40. Clathrin-coated vesicles bud from eukaryotic plasma membrane fragments when Adaptins, clathrin, and dynamin-GTP are added

41. TRUS shows the agenesia of the ampullae and agenesia or abnormalties of the seminal vesicles in 95% cases.

42. Primary mineralization was characterized by the occurrence of active forming cells, extracellular matrix vesicles and calcifying calcospheritic structures.

43. In the submaxillary glands, the majority of virus particles produced were complete and accumulated in large cytoplasmic vesicles.

44. ‘Some consist of pear-shaped segregation vesicles with Amygdales at their upper margin.’ ‘If, after the lava has cooled and set, the vesicles are filled with minerals, they are known as Amygdales.’ ‘Flow margins are often altered, containing abundant epidote and Amygdales …

45. This transmission is made possible by the action of synaptic vesicles loaded with the neurotransmitters to be released.

46. The silver bullet in this case are tiny vesicles, little escape pods regularly shed by cells called exosomes.

47. 7 He had just emptied his seminal vesicles into Valencia, had contributed his share of the Green Beret.

48. Cephalic and cervical vesicles are inflations of the cuticle around the mouth opening and in the oesophageal region

49. Amygdaloids are simply vesicles that have been filled in with a secondary mineral long after the flow cooled

50. 17 He had just emptied his seminal vesicles into Valencia, had contributed his share of the Green Beret.

51. ‘Some consist of pear-shaped segregation vesicles with Amygdales at their upper margin.’ ‘If, after the lava has cooled and set, the vesicles are filled with minerals, they are known as Amygdales.’ ‘Flow margins are often altered, containing abundant epidote and Amygdales …

52. The major component of this Coagulum is semenogelin I, a 52-kDa protein expressed exclusively in the seminal vesicles

53. Adaptins are proteins that mediate the formation of vesicles by clathrin-coated pits, through interaction with membrane-bound receptors

54. Capsids were observed in the nucleus, in the perinuclear space, and in the cytoplasm adjacent to Golgi apparatus vesicles

55. Filamentous actin networks play an important role in this compartmentalization and in the trafficking of vesicles between these compartments.

56. Adaptins are subunits of protein complexes known as adaptors, which are components of the coats on clathrin-coated vesicles

57. Adaptin meaning (biochemistry) Any of a class of proteins that interact with membrane-bound receptors to assemble clathrin -coated vesicles.

58. Genital Lesions GENITAL ULCERS Syphilitic-type lesions (painless ulcers) Herpes-type lesions (painful, vesicles, ulcers, adenopathy) Herpes culture Atypical lesions

59. Slight Constrictions, not perceptible in views of the embryo as a transparent object, mark off three vesicles in the brain

60. After the induction of sporangial cleavage, the vesicles are sorted into domains adjacent to the newly formed zoospore plasma membrane.

61. The functional innervation of those vessels with smooth muscle cells results from neuro-effector zones which predominantly show agranular vesicles.

62. The afferent nerve ending was 1.4×2.0 μm in size and contained small vesicles, spherical mitochondria, and occasionally multivesicular bodies.

63. Again, the plasticity can alter the number of vesicles or their replenishment rate or the relationship between calcium and vesicle release.

64. This gene encodes the alpha 1 Adaptin subunit of the adaptor protein 2 (AP-2) complex found in clathrin coated vesicles

65. Agranular vesicles characteristic of cholinergic innervation are also seen but there is no evidence of adrenergic innervation to the smooth muscle.

66. Special synaptic structures such as electron dense projections and accumulations of vesicles are situated predominantly in the angles of two neighbouring axons.

67. The “light” cells show many nuclear indentations and an increase of “active” zones, mitochondria, smooth ER, agranular vesicles, VCR, VCB, and “cylinders” respectively.

68. Bullate: adjective Characterised by vesicles or bulla; it is not used in the working medical parlance, replaced by the more widely understood bullous.

69. Adaptins are important components of clathrin-coated vesicles transporting ligand-receptor complexes from the plasma membrane or from the trans-Golgi network to

70. In growing agamonts the cytoplasm is relatively dense, and most of the nuclei are showing a zone of vesicles on the nuclear envelope.

71. Within a two years period all children up to 14 years of age who presented with acral vesicles were included in this study.

72. The fungi differentiate into multinucleate vesicles and hyphal coils, both containing bacteria-like structures and accumulating lipid masses and crystals as they age.

73. The interaction of Atebrin with phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylcholine-phosphatidic acid vesicles has been followed by equilibrium dialysis, and by photometric, fluorimetric and NMR techniques

74. Reaction product of acid phosphatase is localized primarily in the small vacuoles, and occasionally in the dictyosome cisternae and vesicles of the golgi body.

75. Blastocoel fluid microRNAs reflect the miRNome of embryonic cells and their presence, associated with the discovery of extracellular vesicles, inside Blastocoel fluid, strongly suggests their

76. It is postulated that this biphasic characteristic can be accounted for by the changing properties of the donor vesicles as they become coated with DPPC.

77. Over the last several years, they have Coaxed both bacterial cells and human cells to make gas vesicles and have placed such cells within mice

78. The Adaptins comprise a group of peripheral membrane proteins that mediate the interaction between transmembrane proteins and the clathrin skeletons of coated pits and vesicles.

79. Early differentiation of the spermatid of Agama stellio is demonstrated by two anterior nuclear depressions, occupied by two proacrosomal vesicles, which fuse to form one vesicle.

80. Now, how does this relate to the gelatine Clumps? Well quite a lot of glands are involved: Testiclular glands, seminal vesicles, prostate gland bulbourethral and urethral glands