Use "very easily" in a sentence

1. Petrol ignites very easily.

2. Satin is very easily roughed.

3. This material Crumples very easily

4. These pants crease very easily.

5. This material crumples very easily.

6. He loses his temper very easily.

7. Careful-the fabric tears very easily.

8. It can actually time travel very easily.

9. It went out of tune very easily.

10. Because he's very easily agitated at work.

11. Propagation is very easily achieved by cuttings.

12. Harry can't be argued down very easily.

13. Don't talk to her-she's very easily distracted.

14. I could say yes to you very easily, Kathleen.

15. Bitmaps can very easily exhaust an app's memory budget

16. 6 The shirt does not button up very easily.

17. Choleric definition: A Choleric person gets angry very easily

18. This body isn't accepting your neural pattern very easily.

19. You can rename, delete, or copy files very easily.

20. Be careful with these plates they chip very easily.

21. Some soldiers fart very easily and comfortably in the camp.

22. Conductors conduct electrical current very easily because of their free electrons

23. I'll give you a small example that you'll understand very easily.

24. 20 You can rename, delete,[] or copy files very easily.

25. The meat should be soft enough to pull apart very easily.

26. Chancroid is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) which is spread very easily

27. He doesn't take hints very easily[Sentencedict], but he'll catch on eventually.

28. She got short of breath very easily because she was so overweight.

29. Anthracnose can survive on infected plant debris and is very easily spread.

30. He's at that impressionable age when he's very easily led by other children.

31. Also, Clementines can very easily be broken apart into 8 to 14 different sections

32. Combining Ativan with other depressants can very easily lead to respiratory depression, coma, and death

33. Thin, light soft bouncy sole bends very easily, because this takes a route, will freely easily.

34. But combinations of other controls which are viewed benignly may very easily lead to similar effects.

35. Conspicuous definition: If someone or something is Conspicuous , people can see or notice them very easily

36. Bootstrapping can be a very useful tool in statistics and it is very easily implemented in

37. Conspicuous definition: If someone or something is Conspicuous , people can see or notice them very easily

38. 1 Personality 2 Relationships 3 Gallery 4 Trivia Blanky is overly sensitive and gets upset very easily

39. As can be imagined, they were very easily degenerated into hot-tempered battles fought in deadly earnest.

40. Contagious, literally “communicable by contact,” describes a very easily transmitted disease, as influenza or the common cold

41. The lettering on the bottom of the Booty does just rub off very easily and it gets everywhere

42. Although Becky manipulates men very easily, she does not even try to cultivate the friendship of most women.

43. The steel section damaged by Chipping tends to rust very easily, compatible painting should be applied with sufficient coats and thickness.

44. These muscles can, for example, absorb calcium very easily from the surrounding medium and through this they can increase their contracture ability.

45. These embodiments permit the fore and aft seat positions to be varied very easily by the wheelchair user and/or an attendant.

46. Chickenpox can be spread very easily to others from 1 to 2 days before blisters appear until all the blisters have crusted over.

47. Amnesia Haze does like to be fed well but, like a lot of sativas, can be tipped over into the toxic zone very easily

48. And in Chinese style kitchen, in the kitchen but cannot put a thing in disorder, will cause very easily to the person otherwise desultorily impression.

49. Otherwise, a malicious eavesdropper on any router between your server and the end user can very easily sniff the sensitive information out of the network packets.

50. Botrytis Cinerea is a very common mold, which spreads very easily, both in the vegetable drawer of your fridge and in live crops in the field

51. Clonus is usually present in neurological disorders with abnormally increased tendon jerks, although one sees patients with only slightly increased jerks and very easily obtained Clonus

52. Birds fly very easily. They beat the air with their wings and climb up through the air. Then they spread their wings and float on the air.

53. Recessive Alleles are the Alleles that are not dominant and often are don't shown in the person & can't seen very easily, but i can be passed on

54. Because raw materials production and capacity the link exist safe hidden danger, the civic architecture concentrate of plus, set off the aperture clear lamp to kindle fire hazard very easily.

55. Hideous as the fact of posing or Attitudinising in our religion may be, it is one that comes very easily to us all, and, when it comes, spreads fast and spoils everything

56. Different from the argil and concrete one, our fiberglass flowerpots are not only light in weight but also durable and solid. You can carry and move them very easily no matter how big it is.

57. Definition of Blindfolded (Entry 2 of 2) : with the eyes covered by a blindfold was led Blindfolded into the woods could do it Blindfolded [=could do it very easily] Examples of Blindfolded in a Sentence

58. The objective of the present invention is to provide a display device which can be assembled and disassembled very easily and make the width of a substrate on which LEDs are arranged to be narrow.

59. Even though they are evergreens, the Carrotwoods that I have now do have periods when many leaves are dropped, and that isn't a problem all by itself and it is something I could very easily live with

60. Critical + is an all-in-one feminised cannabis seed regarded as one of the greatest cannabis ladies of all time: she grows very easily, she produces spectacular yields, her taste and aroma are simply unbeatable, and her potent effect provokes an impressive 'high' that everyone wants to try.

61. Carbonaceous chondrite (kar-bŏ-nay -shŭs) An uncommon class of meteorites but very important because of their mineralogical and chemical composition, especially as regards the presence of hydrated minerals and organic (carbon) compounds.They are very easily crumbled and contain water-soluble compounds and must therefore be collected soon after they fall.

62. Borescopes Thanks to the video flexible fibre optic cable available on some of our Borescopes and owing to their light weight enclosure, these extraordinary devices, some of which are wirelesss, can locate problems and conflicts within the system very easily and quickly, allowing for preventative measures to be taken without the need to

63. Ascots also have pleats in the back and many people don’t know what they’re for, the reason behind them is when people tie them originally in a traditional knot, it came loose very easily but they realized, once they would make the knot thicker, the knot would come undone so easily and that’s what it’s made for originally and you can