Use "veridical" in a sentence

1. So the bottom line is, evolution does not favor veridical, or accurate perceptions.

2. 17 Reassuringly, my dog appears to share my veridical view of reality: she chases the ball and triumphantly catches it between her jaws.

3. A definition of Antinomies in contrast with veridical and falsidical paradoxes as defined by Quine.Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Ency

4. Biocide Labs is a niche producer of anti-fungal, bacteriological, and veridical, Biocides. Our main focus is the mitigation and remediation of water damaged structures.

5. Antepenultimately, I enjoy words of a sesquipedalian nature, though only as a veridical aesthete; I don’t think these words have much of a place in the writing I’ll be doing on this forum