Use "vedanta" in a sentence

1. Advaita is primarily a term of Advaita Vedanta, the non-dualistic tradition of Vedanta

2. Advaita Vedanta is a school in Hinduism

3. Airtel Qualcomm France Telecom Vedanta Opportunity Fund Augere Wireless

4. Arsha Vidya Guru parampara Advaita Vedanta Swamis and Acharyas

5. The Vedanta Gesellschaft is spiritually affiliated to the Ramakrishna Order.

6. People sometimes refer to Advaita Vedanta by other names including nondualism

7. It is important because it approaches the study of Advaita Vedanta from a historico-philosophical perspective, that is, it situates Advaita Vedanta squarely within the context and influence of Mahayana Buddhism

8. Advaita vedanta does not advocate dogmatic blind belief based on scriptural evidence

9. Advaita Vedanta, also known as Non-duality, is the most powerful Hindu philosophy

10. Advaita Vedanta is the dominant and most well-known school of Indian philosophy

11. The concept of maya (literally “magic”) distingushes Advaita Vedanta from other philosophies

12. ‘Ultimate reality in Advaita Vedanta is Brahman.’ More example sentences ‘Later many philosophers did not agree with his absolute monism, and they have had introduced various revisions in the philosophical basis of Advaita Vedanta of Shankara.’

13. Advaita Vedanta is closely associated with Jñana Yoga, the yoga of knowledge

14. ‘Ultimate reality in Advaita Vedanta is Brahman.’ More example sentences ‘Later many philosophers did not agree with his absolute monism, and they have had introduced various revisions in the philosophical basis of Advaita Vedanta of Shankara.’

15. Advaita Vedanta is a three thousand year old school of Hindu philosophy and spiritual practices

16. Subscribe to Epified Here: Vedanta philosophy says that the individual mind is the cosmic mind

17. Of the various systems (darshans) of Hindu thought, Vedanta is the one that is particularly concerned with the Atman.

18. The Ashrama publishes books on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda-Vedanta literature in English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Nepali and a few other languages.

19. The philosophy of Advaita, literally non-dualism, is the premier and oldest extant among the vedAnta schools of Indian philosophy

20. Those that consider Brahman and Atman as same are monist or pantheistic, and Advaita Vedanta, later Samkhya and Yoga schools illustrate this metaphysical premise

21. Dualistic schools such as Dvaita Vedanta believe that Atman is distinct from Brahman (universal principle), whereas non-dualistic schools such as

22. Hindi: ·absolute oneness, one without a second, non-duality· monism··(Hinduism) Advaita vedanta (a branch of Hinduism)

23. ANANDA Ashrama was founded in Southern California in 1923 by Swami Paramananda as an extension of the Vedanta Centre in Boston

24. Advaita, (Sanskrit: “Nondualism”) one of the most influential schools of Vedanta, which is one of the six orthodox philosophical systems (darshan s) of Indian philosophy.

25. At the same time the Vedanta , as well as other similar approaches , rather frighten me with their vague , formless incursions into infinity .

26. The most famous Hindu philosopher who taught about Advaita Vedanta was Adi Shankara who lived in India more than a thousand years ago.

27. Brahman, as understood by the scriptures of Hinduism, as well as by the 'acharyas' of the Vedanta school, is a very specific conception of the Absolute

28. Advaita is an eclectic group of friends interested in meditation, yoga, enlightenment, self realization, non duality teachings (Advaita Vedanta, Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism).

29. The concept of Atman as the true self is considered to be the first principle of Hindu philosophy, particularly according to the Vedanta tradition.

30. Advaita Vedanta refers to the non-dualistic school of Hindu philosophy, which is derived mostly from the Upanishads and elaborated in detail by eminent scholars like Gaudapada and Sri Adishankaracharya

31. Though traditional Advaita is linked to the Indian philosophy of Vedanta, the Living Teaching of Advaita is completely without dogma or religious connection and is open to all who seek peace in daily living.

32. Bhakti – devotion to the divine – is based on another interpretation of Vedanta: that the soul and the Divine are not One, but inexpressibly, mysteriously, both One and distinct, allowing for a relationship of love

33. Cognizant joins companies such as Infosys, Accenture, Vedanta and NTPC which have drawn up plans to bear the cost of Covid-19 vaccinations for thousands of employees and their dependents. Cognizant puts up $30 million for employee retention The corpus is …

34. The period between 1700 - 1900 A.D. is considered as Modern period in which the great Yogacharyas- Ramana Maharshi, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Paramhansa Yogananda, Vivekananda etc. have contributed for the development of Raja Yoga.This was the period when Vedanta, Bhakti yoga, Nathayoga or Hatha-yoga flourished.

35. Advaita Vedanta is especially concerned with mankind’s mistaken perception that he is a “self,” or an “I,” who is ultimately different from or separate from other “selves.” This lack of understanding is considered an illusion, or maya , and, according to this belief system, is the ultimate cause of immoral behaviors and therefore

36. Advaita Vedanta (Advaita Vedānta; अद्वैत वेदान्त) espouses non-dualism and monism.Brahman is held to be the sole unchanging metaphysical reality and identical to the individual Atman.The physical world, on the other hand, is always-changing empirical Maya.The absolute and infinite Atman–Brahman is realized by a process of negating everything relative, finite

37. "Why Materialism is Baloney" will also serve as a good introduction to more abstruse works dealing with the philosophy of idealism, such as Schopenhauer's notoriously difficult "The World as Will and Representaion" from the Western philosophical tradition, as well as less familiar Eastern traditions of idealism such as Advaita Vedanta belonging

38. Advaita Vedanta is one of the schools of Hindu Vedantic philosophy and is based on the concept that the higher or true Self is identical to Brahman, the Absolute Reality.The term comes from the Sanskrit Advaita, meaning “not two,” veda, meaning “knowledge,” and anta, meaning “end” or “goal.”It is non-dualism based on the Vedas, the ancient Hindu texts, specifically the Upanishads.