Use "vectorial" in a sentence

1. Creation of vectorial bottle-hollow beam using radially or Azimuthally polarized light

2. Course Name (Vectorial Geometry and Linear Algebra ) Code 136.130F Description This course is offered only in French.

3. Arithmetic VA addition was used in one jurisdiction, while another made use of both arithmetic and vectorial addition.

4. The two primary methods of performing the addition of VA values use either arithmetic addition or vectorial (phaser) addition.

5. Approximately one quarter of utilities responded that they use both vectorial and arithmetic addition of VA in polyphase circuits.

6. Bioecology and vectorial capacity of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Macao, China, in relation to dengue virus transmission J Med Entomol

7. 16 In order to calculate the equivalent step index of the periodic structure of the cladding holey optical fiber, all-vectorial fundamental space filling mode approach was utilized.

8. The results suggest that each individual pair of one nucleus and one Centrosphere contributes, in a process of vectorial addition, its individual polarity to the polarity of the syncitium

9. In embryos of the mouse and the rabbit, a basolaterally located Na + /K +-ATPase hydrolyses ATP to drive the vectorial transport of ions, which is responsible for the accumulation of Blastocoele fluid.