Use "variability" in a sentence

1. Blocking reduces unexplained variability

2. The variability of the influences mentioned above doesn't explain more than 30–40% of the rots variability.

3. NOAA/AOML Altimetry Products Ocean Currents Variability

4. There's a great deal of variability between individuals.

5. Even after prolonged aestivation the variability is high.

6. Now, we have many ways to study natural variability.

7. There is considerable variability in all the test scores.

8. Variability in the levels of the s Alivary markers

9. We are way, way outside the normal, natural variability.

10. You have a huge spread due to movement variability.

11. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals With Febrile Seizures

12. INDIVIDUAL VARIABILITY IN THERAPY RESPONSE— Although RAAS intervention is clearly effective in lowering Albuminuria, with an average reduction around 50%, the individual variability is high.

13. Genetics has opened the door to the study of human variability.

14. However, the delta is increasingly being exposed to climate variability events.

15. Key words: temperature-dependent germination, agrestal, ruderal, marginal populations, genetic variability, plasticity.

16. allowing for the variability of the operator's physical dimensions, strength and stamina

17. In addition, two subregional studies on rainfall data and water variability

18. "Variability in muscle size and strength gain after unilateral resistance training".

19. Biodiversity comes from two words Bio meaning life and diversity meaning variability

20. allowing for the variability of the operator's physical dimensions, strength and stamina,

21. — allowing for the variability of the operator's physical dimensions, strength and stamina,

22. Of course, variability is based on fixity, with regularity to conform to.

23. This is the natural range of variability for temperature in the oceans.

24. The variability is mainly in the alongshore direction for tidal and subtidal frequencies.

25. For parameters not subject to measurement variability, tolerance means an absolute allowable range;

26. All we can be sure of is the variability will be different.

27. The absolute bioavailability was 82.84±23.48%, but there was large inter-subject variability.

28. In such cases, the two sections often exhibit markedly different levels of variability.

29. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals with Febrile Seizures: Population-Genetic Study

30. Antonyms for Changelessness include capriciousness, changeability, changeableness, fickleness, instability, mutability, unpredictability, unsteadiness, variability

31. For parameters not subject to measurement variability, tolerance means an absolute allowable range;”

32. This study examines morphological variability of Clovis style hafted Bifaces from across North America

33. Considerable variability in the number and position of the Ampullae may be apparent in …

34. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals with Febrile Seizures: Population-Genetic Study

35. Climatologists study climate change, climate variability, and the effects of climate on the biosphere

36. The underling variability of production activities is used to infer farmers’ attitudes toward risk.

37. Variability in testing and data collection methods makes comparisons of prevalence and progression difficult.

38. Qualitative changes in behaviour depend upon the concepts of behavioural variability and selective reinforcement.

39. Within-Subject Variability of the time action profile of insulin detemir and NPH insulin

40. The argument addresses the problem of accommodating marine environment variability through actions in freshwater.

41. Prospective information on cycle variability during treatment would have led to potential selection bias.

42. To account for soil variability, the Richards equation is solved within deterministic and stochastic frameworks.

43. In asexually propagated species, variability resulting from recombination may be severely limited, or even precluded.

44. The variability in reproductive success of males will therefore be greater than that of females.

45. Physiological parameters (finger pulse amplitude, skin conductance level, heart rate variability) were measured continuously.

46. The scatter seen on the graph is the normal biological variability of plant material.

47. These standards shall take account of business cycles and similar systematic variability in equity returns.

48. Albuminoid molecules: a novel, variability-generating cell-surface receptor system? Gersten DM(1), Hearing VJ

49. These standards shall take account of business cycles and similar systematic variability in default experience.

50. Mahjong must keep in hand flexibility variability, or card to use again winning is difficult.

51. In the present study variability over time of the amplitude ratio in healthy subjects was investigated.

52. Objective To investigate the selectivity of episodic memory aging and its variability in relation to anxiety.

53. Climo_3.ncl: Demonstrates the use of clmMonLLT and stdMonTLL to derive Climatology and the interannual variability

54. Anthropogenetic Variability in the Group of Individuals with Febrile Seizures: Population-Genetic Study Biomed Res Int

55. These standards shall take account of business cycles and similar systematic variability in equity returns

56. Significantly,(sentencedict .com) the adult populations in Pembrokeshire and Somerset showed similar ranges of variability.

57. The principal problem for both speech and handwriting recognition is the variability of the input.

58. The greatest variability in constructed knowledge among people is probably found in their social knowledge.


60. The instrument error that contributes to the greatest variability is the cuff size of the sphygmomanometer.

61. Internal variability of the prostate position was the difference between absolute prostate and patient position errors.

62. 'An important addition is intelligent machine learning and dynamic model adaptation solutions that handle behaviour variability.'

63. It did not imitate the variability of the secular rulers who thought only of temporal gain.

64. Bacteriophagia in Brucella organisms and variability of Brucellae attacked by virulent bacteriophage J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol

65. Columnare (accession numbers listed in Table 4)to insure that there was no significant intra-species variability

66. Year-to-year variability is extremely high, obscuring restoration actions and compliance with water quality standards.

67. Despite the variability of its behavioral manifestations Wernicke's aphasia is considered to be a unitary syndrome.

68. Other possible links include diminished heart rate variability, stress-induced ischemia, platelet activation, and immunological dysregulation.

69. To a large extent, calibration variability can be mitigated with carefully controlled cultivation conditions, employing modern Chemostats.

70. Variability in the concentration of dissolved metals is unrelated to changes in water flow or suspended load.

71. Relatively little detail was actually available from the recalls and the between subjects variability was extremely large.

72. The same ranging of, or variability in, Piagetian developmental levels is found at any chronological age group.

73. At the same time, however, late-Cainozoic climate change, characterized by overall cooling and increased climatic variability

74. (1998) show that more exchange rate variability uncertainty can actually increase investment. It can happen in 14.

75. While analyzing chromosome structure in wild populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura, Dobzhansky discovered a surprising amount of undiscovered variability.

76. In addition, a greater variability in the optimal operating arrangement of the functionally variable actuation element should result.

77. Because of considerable interindividual variability additional studies in larger collectives are required for definitive evaluation of the drug.

78. The variability in Avicularian morphometrics demonstrates that intraspecific variation between localities (Austasen and Drescher Inlet) may exist

79. In addition, the variability of bandsawing is greater than that of framesawing as regards the sawing patterns.

80. To approach this question, we bear in mind the principle that variability in language is socially functional.