Use "vandalism" in a sentence

1. Who Can Stop Vandalism?

2. Resisting arrest, vandalism, aggravated battery

3. " Vandalism, destruction of property, assault... "

4. It was wanton, moronic vandalism.

5. R/Bombing: Less art, more vandalism

6. Stories abound of vandalism and looting.

7. So, what can control or end vandalism?

8. A drunken teenager was arrested for vandalism.

9. Vandalism used to be a rare occurrence here.

10. An act of vandalism, you might think.

11. Expecting some mundane vandalism, I received a shock.

12. The economic consequences of graffiti vandalism are enormous.

13. And graffiti is just one kind of vandalism.

14. Admittedly , vandalism is a bit of a problem.

15. • increased risk of vandalism or accidental vehicular collision

16. Such, then, are the fruits of Tod's meticulous vandalism.

17. Can the police and the schools prevent vandalism?

18. 12 Expecting some mundane vandalism, I received a shock.

19. Routine monitoring and inspection for maintenance problems and vandalism.

20. The Saturday Review denounced this extraordinary act of vandalism.

21. Really, the roots of vandalism will be eliminated completely.

22. 26 The economic consequences of graffiti vandalism are enormous.

23. Have you ever wondered why acts of vandalism abound?

24. Violence and vandalism are not the answer to our disagreements.

25. This warehouse is not adequately protected against theft or vandalism.

26. The level of vandalism and dereliction should also be noted.

27. Smashing up trains is such a senseless form of vandalism.

28. We let off steam in graffiti, vandalism and football hooliganism.

29. Cutting down the old forest was an act of vandalism.

30. 15 There's no vandalism, no graffiti, no rubbish left lying about.

31. Coun Oliver Blease said it would be an act of civic vandalism.

32. I think that should be stopped - blue murder, vandalism and the lot.

33. Rapport, the community newspaper, describes it as wanton damage and wilful vandalism.

34. Comprehensive coverage covers losses like theft, vandalism, hail, and hitting an animal

35. We need to consider the problem of vandalism within a wider context.

36. They even gather together in such groups as the Counter- Vandalism Unit

37. The deaths occurred when police acted to stop widespread looting and vandalism.

38. What I normally do is vandalism, poaching, driving without insurance, petty opportunist larceny.

39. Protection against fire, vandalism, loss of valuable documents, accidental damage to equipment and embezzlement.

40. The report states that vandalism is a pestilence which must be stamped out.

41. Tampering with the seam is much the most harmful form of ball vandalism.

42. All this cost to schools is only part of the total bill of vandalism.

43. At the time, the area was plagued by juvenile delinquency, vandalism, and drug addiction.

44. But what is behind much of the vandalism that we see or suffer from?

45. The advertising industry's use of classic songs is vandalism of popular culture, he said.

46. 20 What I normally do is vandalism, poaching, driving without insurance, petty opportunist larceny.

47. 1 day ago · Azeri Vandalism to Armenian Church Incites Plea for Protection

48. Vandalism is the action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.

49. He was sacked from every other job for theft, harassment of female staff or vandalism.

50. Some local governments have laws that hold parents responsible for vandalism committed by their children.

51. “Vandalism may be an act of revenge or a way of expressing a political opinion.

52. One of the most important areas - automatic detection of vandalism and data quality assessment in Wikipedia.

53. This little act of vandalism will in the first instance mean more business for some glazier.

54. In almost all cities and towns, there were no reports of protesters engaging in violence or vandalism.

55. There is some evidence, therefore, that crime and vandalism may be reduced by greater participation in sport.

56. Extralegal force and violence threatened , instigated and themselves conducted break - ins, vandalism , ASSAULTS AND BEATINGS against activists.

57. Darlington police have been told about the vandalism and yesterday an officer went to interview Miss Golightly.

58. The 2009 ADL Audit of Antisemitic Incidents, released today, counted a total of 1,211 incidents of vandalism, harassment...

59. Property owners suffer from heavy taxation, high maintenance costs, vandalism and inability of tenants to pay their rents.

60. After the fourth attack on her car she was convinced that the vandalism was more than just coincidence.

61. I was going to file it as just a vandalism report, but it turns out this unit's unregistered.

62. 28 Distressed by mindless vandalism that destroys trees and flowers they are keeping a watchful eye on plant life.

63. Whitehall had no idea where to find the professionals who would stave off the imminent cultural vandalism of television.

64. The intensity of negative affect experienced at work often leads to work withdrawal, absenteeism, vandalism, and early exit.

65. Generally, you are also covered for any number of eventualities, including theft(, vandalism and accidental damage.

66. 23 Whitehall had no idea where to find the professionals who would stave off the imminent cultural vandalism of television.

67. Cyber attacks consist of computer viruses (including worms and Trojan horses), denial of service attacks, and electronic vandalism or sabotage

68. 22 Distressed by mindless vandalism that destroys trees and flowers they are keeping a watchful eye on plant life.

69. A police spokesman warned that the vandalism could result in a tragedy on the main line between Belfast and Dublin.

70. Comprehensive coverage is intended for damage done to your vehicle by fire, weather (like a flood), vandalism, or even an animal

71. Rather, it typically involves acts of aggression towards players and officials, or over-exuberant celebratory activity including the vandalism of property.

72. This led to the use of the term "vandalism" to describe any pointless destruction, particularly the "barbarian" defacing of artwork.

73. In addition to engaging in vandalism, drug dealing, extortion, arson, and theft, delinquents have been directly targeting representatives of the State.

74. The events included radioactive leaks, unplanned shutdowns and component failures, as well as vandalism, drug abuse and unauthorized use of firearms.

75. This appears to publicly mark a very belated end to an act of cultural vandalism that began nearly 60 years ago.

76. Several complaints from local residents have been received by the police regarding the unsocial behaviour and vandalism of youths in the park.

77. While keeping young people occupied and giving them better parental control may reduce vandalism, would that in itself get at the root causes?

78. Sudbury Board of Education Enrolment - 20,368 Draft policy provided for safe schools addresses theft, physical altercations, harassment, intimidation, extortion, vandalism, assault, drugs, and weapons.

79. ADL’s Antisemitic Incidents Tracker is a select compilation of recent cases of anti-Jewish vandalism, harassment, and assault reported to or detected by ADL

80. Arsonists are "lurkers", not facing their victims if murder is the intent and if it isn't, arson is just another form of vandalism