Use "validly" in a sentence

1. They shall be delivered by an absolute majority of the votes validly cast.

2. The dispute was not validly referred for Adjudication under the contractual provisions

3. This phenomenon is called strapping effect, which can validly repress polarization mode dispersion.

4. Because the aggregate Accreted value for all 2024 Notes validly tendered and not validly withdrawn exceeds the Maximum Tender Amount, such 2024 Notes were accepted by Peabody for purchase on a pro

5. The issues discussed in this section relate to how reliably and validly these functions can be fulfilled.

6. Covenants are really a type of contractual arrangement that, if validly reached, is enforceable by a court

7. The ability of Holders to revoke validly delivered Consents terminated upon the occurrence of the Effective Time

8. For their adoption, the opinions of the Committee shall require an absolute majority of the votes validly cast.

9. Can a grant of Letters of Administration to the Administratrices in England enable them to validly commence these proceedings in St

10. An Antipope is someone who claims to be the Pope, but is not recognized as a validly elected pope by the Roman Catholic Church

11. 738 had been validly enacted but that the zoning classification thereby applied to respondent's property was arbitrary, capricious, Confiscatory, and void.

12. The aggregate principal amount of Notes for which Consents were validly delivered pursuant to the Consent Solicitation as of 5:00 p.m

13. Ex hypothesi, such choices are neither correct nor incorrect in absolute terms, a certain number of different methods and data being validly capable of being used.

14. A requirement for such a relationship to exist could limit unduly the type of information system that can be used to send a data message validly to the addressee

15. This is because the obverse of the "E" proposition is an "A" proposition which cannot be validly converted except by limitation, that is, Contraposition plus a change in the quantity of the proposition from universal to particular.

16. ‘Equally evidently, from any such Adverbially qualified sentence we can validly infer a sentence from which one or more of the adverbial qualifiers has been detached.’ ‘The Loop at the end of this affix denotes the word is to be used Adverbially; so that the sense of it must be the same which we express by the phrase, For Ever and Ever.’