Use "vaguer" in a sentence

1. The visualization of Dew became vaguer .

2. It can also elucidate some of the vaguer notions of pragmatic theory.

3. Bertha, I think, is probably some vaguer connotation of birth, death and reincarnation

4. Synonyms for Blurrier include fainter, unclearer, fuzzier, obscurer, shadowier, hazier, mistier, vaguer, dimmer and foggier

5. Also, while some of the goals are pretty specific -- end hunger -- others are a lot vaguer -- promote peaceful and tolerant societies.

6. ‘The Awfulness of it is it's not like any other disease.’ ‘The unspeakable Awfulness of September 11 affected stock markets across the world and gutted the international aviation industry.’ ‘He was afraid of being caught before he could accomplish his purpose, but behind this was a vaguer but larger fear of the Awfulness of his crime.’