Use "vague" in a sentence

1. It is vague.

2. Why be vague?

3. Her directions were hopelessly vague.

4. It's a little vague.

5. His answer was very vague.

6. What does Ambagious mean? Roundabout; vague

7. Warhol was above all very vague.

8. Different between vague vs Ambagious

9. Mr Christopher'sanswer was deliberately vague.

10. She felt a vague unease.

11. The narrative is a bit vague.

12. I kept my statement intentionally vague.

13. Asteroidean's history is a little vague

14. The charges were vague and imprecise.

15. The statement was vague in its wording.

16. I was vague and too personal.

17. His vague reply disconcerted us completely.

18. Fumbling and vague groping is encouraged.

19. She had a vague premonition of danger.

20. I find that answer vague and unconvincing.

21. Her shoulders lifted in a vague shrug.

22. Vague vs Ambagious - what is the difference

23. I got some vague recollection of that.

24. Our holiday plans are still rather vague.

25. Simon's vague manner concealed an acute mind.

26. The ancient oracles were often vague and equivocal.

27. The terms of the agreement were deliberately vague.

28. 18 She's quite vague, even evasive about it.

29. His use of language is vague and imprecise.

30. "Where did you leave it?" Isobel looked vague.

31. The law is notoriously vague on this point.

32. The politicians made vague promises about tax cuts.

33. The rules are vague and open to interpretation.

34. I won't be put off with such vague promises.

35. The icy wind is deliberately devouring the vague night.

36. He gave a cagey, vague answer to my question.

37. Scientists characterize the humanities as uncertain, vague and irrelevant.

38. You could just see vague blobs of faces.

39. When memory to become dull gray vague that time.

40. Cutting, Vague Language Explored (page 190) In Example 6, we can see speakers using the vague Approximatives 'two or three' and 'one or two'.

41. Définition Autocratie dans le film La Vague

42. He Conscientiously avoids the vague, the doubtful, the unsubstantiated

43. It was a vague idea, nurtured by literary fiction.

44. The patient had complained of vague pains and backache.

45. I had a vague feeling he'd been an electrician.

46. She had married a charming but rather vague Englishman.

47. Five of the six are Bushwhacks with vague herd paths

48. U. when memory to become dull gray vague that time.

49. The lines of his fastidious face showed a vague disquietude.

50. Barker is surprisingly vague in describing the Cenobites in great detail.

51. The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan.

52. The ideas seem sketchily developed, the textures thin, the images vague.

53. With a vague smile, the interviewer said, “Oh, I see.”

54. 15 All their questions were met with vague, evasive answers.

55. I have only a vague recollection of sunshine and sand.

56. 22 The patient had complained of vague pains and backache.

57. Lenin’s decree of the Cheka’s powers and parameters were intentionally vague

58. 43 synonyms for Ambiguous: unclear, puzzling, uncertain, obscure, vague, doubtful, dubious

59. Through the fog we saw the vague outline of a ship.

60. Self-actualisation is too vague a concept to usefully inform managers.

61. In our conversation, he was Artfully vague about his plans.

62. They had only a vague idea where the place was.

63. Keeping the details of the tax changes vague is disingenuous.

64. Homemade pizzas often lack even a vague hint of authenticity.

65. 4 The patient had complained of vague pains and backache.

66. Vague-eyed sea-rover Bagirmi mumblebee Balderdashes Wotton averrable unobdurately Shadrach

67. Through the mist I could just make out a vague figure.

68. This vague dialog of fatigue has been catalogued with its analogues.

69. Gage's official report was too vague on particulars to influence anyone's opinion.

70. I do have a vague memory of meeting her many years ago.

71. Her talk wasn't vague approbation or disapproval, some big show of emotion.

72. It was an unassuming shop, registered under the vague name of Drapery.

73. A vague feeling of disorientation or strangeness relative to the immediate environment.

74. Lenin’s decree of the Cheka’s powers and parameters were intentionally vague

75. Befouling the air And I can't go back to the vague

76. Adumbration meaning (literature) A vague indication of what is to come.

77. Critics say the ratings are too vague and are inconsistently applied.

78. It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.

79. It means more overtime for some employees, so there's that vague, full-Boweled pleasure at the windfall, along with an equally vague excitement at the break in routine.

80. God’s Kingdom is not some vague concept that exists in the heart.