Use "vagaries" in a sentence

1. Marx to the vagaries of social and economic systems.

2. Sound waves, however, are subject to the vagaries of the atmosphere.

3. Thought than man was Aphorising on the vagaries of commerce

4. From their father, Marvin, the children learned the vagaries of business.

5. The country became highly exposed to the vagaries of international markets.

6. But increasingly the vagaries of the weather are mitigated by snow-blowers.

7. 10 The vagaries of inclement weather conditions are avoided to a certain extent.

8. Here again, the vagaries of Government policy are at least partly to blame.

9. 3 But increasingly the vagaries of the weather are mitigated by snow-blowers.

10. She had her own style and was not influenced by the vagaries of fashion.

11. The success of the event will be determined by the vagaries of the weather.

12. Synonyms for Crotchets include eccentricity, caprices, fancies, idiosyncrasies, kink, notions, quirks, twists, vagaries and whim

13. They changed their minds, Flew off, and into strange vagaries fell. John Milton 

14. She packed all kinds of clothes to cope with the vagaries of the English weather.

15. Add into this vagaries of the weather and a veritable hubbub of movement and change emerges.

16. The vagaries of her life and moods can intrude on the household or affect the child.

17. Was this a smile on his face, was he actually amused by the vagaries of a servant?

18. 30 Add into this vagaries of the weather and a veritable hubbub of movement and change emerges.

19. By the vagaries of shuffling, one of the last sheets in the medical file was a report from an ophthalmologist.

20. As with most things which appeal to the vagaries of youthful fashion today's hit rapidly becomes old hat.

21. Rice cultivation, which is dependent on the vagaries of weather and on complex systems of irrigation, requires cooperative labor.

22. Despite the snow, the window was open, the central-heating system coping easily with the vagaries of the climate.

23. Farmers change their minds about access to a river at the last minute, according to the vagaries of the harvest.

24. Foster parents were not always equipped to cope with the vagaries of their own children, let alone the problems of outsiders.

25. Some of them are natural, the results of vagaries of climate, but others, the majority, are caused by human frailty and Cupidity

26. 22 The western rock lobster and the huge industry it supports are just one victim of the vagaries of El Nino induced ocean currents.

27. Elephant menace Bedevils farmers in Kodagu Standing crops raised by the farmers in spite of the vagaries of nature were trampled, which in turn …

28. To cause repeated difficulty or harm to (a person or group): was Buffeted about from job to job by the vagaries of the economy

29. In fact, thanks to the vagaries of the fossilization process, most of what we know about early whale evolution derives from animals discovered on or near the Indian subcontinent; other examples include Ambulocetus (aka the "walking whale") and Indohyus.