Use "utopian" in a sentence

1. Mao Zedong Thought is Utopian Socialism?

2. The great classics of political philosophy are utopian.

3. All you have to Gazing In Useless Wonder: English Utopian Fictions, 1516 1800 (Ralahine Utopian Studies) Artur Blaim do is specify what style you want to use when you place an order, and Gazing In Useless Wonder: English Utopian Fictions, 1516 1800 (Ralahine Utopian Studies) Artur Blaim we will find a writer familiar with it.

4. It was decadent and utopian, pure and corrupt.

5. The actual quickly Begrimes the theoretical, ideal, and utopian

6. 18 He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.

7. 5 He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.

8. Utopian socialism is the elementary form of the socialist view.

9. This is partly because of Marx's strictures on Utopian socialism.

10. He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.

11. The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental.

12. Belief in utopian progress is increasingly seen as a delusion.

13. 13 Sant'Elia's city was a utopian metropolis designed on a monumental scale.

14. French utopian socialism thinker Charles Fourier was born on April 7 th.

15. His was a utopian vision of nature in its purest form.

16. This chapter introduces the main ideas of Utopian socialism at its primary level, especially the Utopian Socialism in 19th century which was used as the main source of scientific socialism.

17. His ideas on equality are viewed as utopian in the current political climate.

18. Integrity would not be needed as a distinct political virtue in a utopian state.

19. Synonyms for 'Conceptually': abstract, central, theoretical, popular, orthodox, conceptual, metaphysical, utopian, nonconformist, revisionist

20. Synonyms for 'Ahistorical': abstract, central, theoretical, popular, orthodox, conceptual, metaphysical, utopian, nonconformist, revisionist

21. To propose that expedient requires an excursion into the realms of Utopian construction.

22. The third stage - Utopian at this point - was to transcend gender divisions altogether.

23. To check and analyze the documents about Utopian socialism can enrich socialist ideology.

24. 18 Is it utopian to hope that such iconoclastic ideas will gain ground?

25. 19 The third stage - Utopian at this point - was to transcend gender divisions altogether.

26. 24 Thus so called Symbolic Exchange turned out to be a rootless utopian fantasy.

27. The utopian theatre of 1917 Berlin and Vienna was still on the horizon.

28. Utopian socialism arose in Europe in the sixteenth century, peaked in nineteenth century.

29. 20 Beauvoir's utopian ideal is the reciprocity and comradeship between men and women.

30. Should this happen, then our lives, and the quality of living, will fast become Utopian.

31. • Rural community Autarchy, even if it were an acceptable aim, is a Utopian dream

32. Rural community autarchy, even if it were an acceptable aim, is a Utopian dream.

33. His optimism remains unflagging as he continues to sing utopian political and protest tunes.

34. Of course, the thought has some limitation. So it dyes populism color and some Utopian socialism.

35. John Hockenberry: Why is the creation, the impulse to create Second Life, not a utopian impulse?

36. The book is also associated with utopian socialism which envisions the prophetic role of the artist.

37. Classical elite theorists had sought to show that liberal democracy was a utopian ideal incapable of realization.

38. Five years ago, calls for the elimination of nuclear weapons were viewed as Utopian, Cirincione added.

39. Becks Quality Cabinets offers an array of styles or brands such as Heirloom, Utopian and Elements

40. A complete absence of national border controls is as utopian today as the vision of world government.

41. Call his machines what you will-sculptures, utopian models, proposals, follies-they reflect a will to succeed.

42. If our project is utopian, it is also the only alternative to a dystopia in the making.

43. Aground was designed around the theme of Progression, and inspired by Utopian Mining and other mining/crafting games

44. None of these visionary schemes for Niagara ever reached fruition, but one Utopian dreamer did achieve his objective.

45. At some time, most of us have engaged in a discussion about the possibility of a utopian society.

46. Season of Anomy is the story of an individual selling a utopian world out in order to spread its ideas

47. The outcome will be a far cry from the sunny utopian uplands of independence many Brexiters are expecting.

48. Aground was designed around the theme of Progression and inspired by Utopian Mining and other mining/crafting games

49. Aground was designed around the theme of Progression, and inspired by Utopian Mining and other mining/crafting games

50. Ordinary politics adds to these familiar ideals a further one that has no distinct place in utopian axiomatic theory.

51. It may be more fruitful to create a utopian, and as yet unrealized, vision to hold before our eyes.

52. 30 None of these visionary schemes for Niagara ever reached fruition, but one Utopian dreamer did achieve his objective.

53. There is no attempt to structure the experience, to make it utopian in that sense that we put into it.

54. It has often been argued that Marxism is largely based on a utopian ideology, functionalism on a ruling ideology.

55. Season of Anomy is the story of an individual selling a utopian world out in order to spread its ideas

56. The anarchist and communist concept of free association is often considered utopian or too abstract to guide a transforming society.

57. 23 Ordinary politics adds to these familiar ideals a further one that has no distinct place in utopian axiomatic theory.

58. He retired from architectural practice in 1906 and concentrated once again on his utopian schemes for social and economic reform.

59. To create his form of utopian socialism, society must eradicate this way of thinking and behaving over time through education.

60. It has been fashionable in the last twenty years to suggest that there was in ancient history a utopian matriarchy.

61. The three well-known nineteenth-century ideologists Saint-Simon, Fourier, Owen would develop the Utopian socialism theory to the highest stage.

62. When Alba started up in 1968, the notion of reusing products and materials as a resource was seen as worthy but utopian

63. The belief that it would be possible to maintain old computer hardware in operational order for use by future historians is utopian.

64. The social integration of Roma lags behind, being considered Utopian by many, both in the administration and in the community.

65. Mr President, my proposal may be utopian, as Mr Spinelli's was, but the proposal in the report is an anachronism.

66. Rather than supporting the statusquo, the way things are, utopian ideologies advocate a complete change in the structure of society.

67. Beachhead is a city under siege but its citizens work side-by-side to defend the utopian world they have created

68. 16 It has been fashionable in the last twenty years to suggest that there was in ancient history a utopian matriarchy.

69. Contradictions also emerge from the encounter between utopian attempts to transform the world and the need to implement such attempts in practice

70. First of all, the paper simply sorts the history of the development of utopian socialism and China's history of building a harmonious society.

71. In the process of understanding, the realization of socialist ideology and understanding of the leap from the utopian socialism into a science.

72. The strategy developed by the revolutionary populists reflected the same mixture of heroic struggle for the peasantry's cause and utopian illusions.

73. There are both the inevitable contact and the hypostatic differences between the theory of harmonious society of Marx and Engels and utopian socialism.

74. 'Their [realists'] concern is that utopian aspirations towards a new peaceful world order will simply Absolutize conflicts and make them more intractable

75. It is only when such worlds become utopian-level space travellers that the Symbionts make contact and bring the young utopia to an equal footing.

76. But again, perhaps problematically, they are beautiful statues – inspiring, optimistic, and utopian; totems to the radiant future that was always promised, but never quite arrived.

77. Satirically, many utopian and dystopian books which reveal the fate of book in utopia suffered the fate of being listed as banned books.

78. Aspirations to money, merit, morality, prosperity, knowledge, a leader or even a Karen king--a millennial modernity achieved by an Ascetically inspired life--are perhaps utopian

79. Like “The demands of the Paris proletariat are utopian nonsense, to which an end must be put.” ― Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte

80. In Brink, two factions, Resistance and Security, battle in a once-utopian city called The Ark, a floating city above the waters of a flooded Earth.