Use "usurers" in a sentence

1. Each began to gather troops and to borrow money from usurers.

2. The Canaanites were race-mixing, human sacrificing, incestuous usurers and these are not attributes associated with Indo-Aryans

3. Bankrupts and Usurers of Imperial Russia is a masterly addition to the new cultural and social history of debt.”―Bruce H

4. Punished within Dis are those whose lives were marked by active ( rather than passive ) sins are heretics, murderers, suicides, blasphemers, usurers, sodomites, panderers, seducers, flatterers, Barrators, hypocrites, thieves, fradulent advisors, sowers of discord

5. Punished within Dis are those whose lives were marked by active ( rather than passive ) sins are heretics, murderers, suicides, blasphemers, usurers, sodomites, panderers, seducers, flatterers, Barrators, hypocrites, thieves, fradulent advisors