Use "urease" in a sentence

1. Colour of slant unchanged Negative Christensen's Urea agar Urease Positive reaction:

2. Activity: urease activity (active at acidic pH), to break down urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide.

3. Merr.) subjected to an appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.).

4. by conversion using urease, into ammonia which is titrated with a standard solution of hydrochloric acid,

5. However, in Pavlova lutheri growth in allantoate or hypoxanthine occurs in the presence of urease inhibitors.

6. Seven of the parents were positive for H pylori on urease testing, histology, and on culture.

7. Device for carrying out urease tests for combined antrum/corpus biopsies to diagnose gastro-intestinal illnesses

8. Slant turns wine-red Negative reaction: Colour of slant unchanged Negative Christensen's Urea agar Urease Positive reaction:

9. A spectrophotometric assay for urease was developed using glutamic dehydrogenase as an accesory enzym in a coupled test.

10. 30 However, a variety of urease producing bacteria are present in the mouth and swallowed in the saliva.

11. Urease was not formed during growth with uric acid and allantoin, presumably due to the accumulation of ammonia.

12. Contain is a nitrogen management product that pairs our exclusive Xcelerated Nitrogen Technology with the urease inhibitor, NBPT, creating a powerful nitrogen management aid …

13. Growth-inhibiting, Bactericidal, and urease inhibitory effects of Paeonia lactiflora root constituents and related compounds on antibiotic-susceptible and -resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori.

14. Changes in uricase, glyoxylate carboligase and urease activity were determined in fructose grown Hydrogenomonas H 16 cells during subsequent incubation with uric acid, allantoin and in nitrogen-deficient fructose media.

15. To avoid losses of ammonia during decomposition by the urease, close the Erlenmeyer with a stopper provided with a separating funnel and a small bubble trap containing exactly 2 ml of a standard solution of hydrochloric acid 0.1 mol/l (4.24).