Use "uraninite" in a sentence

1. Uraninite Sailtrimagain Browache

2. This sample of uraninite contains some about 10-9 grammes of Actinium …

3. It crystallizedmainly at the magma stage, while a certain part of uraninite resultedfrom autometamorphism and all chemical metamorphism.

4. Mobilization out of the country rock is taken into consideration for uraninite, graphite, brannerite and some of the accompanying ore minerals.

5. PitchBlende definition is - a brown to black mineral that consists of massive uraninite, has a distinctive luster, contains radium, and is the chief ore-mineral source of uranium.

6. It occurs naturally in low concentrations of a few parts per million in soil, rock and water, and is commercially extracted from uranium-bearing minerals such as uraninite.

7. PitchBlende, amorphous, black, pitchy form of the crystalline uranium oxide mineral uraninite (q.v.); it is one of the primary mineral ores of uranium, containing 50–80 percent of that element

8. ‘The hydrocarbon migration history of the basin has important implications for understanding the textural relationship between gold, Bituminized oil and uraninite in the giant gold-uranium-pyrite ore deposits.’ ‘With the road to Cape Tribulation now bituminised, settlement of the privately owned allotments within the Daintree is