Use "upwelling" in a sentence

1. The upwelling further cools the already cool California Current.

2. In meteorology, Actinometers are usually oriented to measure downwelling or upwelling radiation

3. That means that there's no upwelling, and there's basically no food.

4. Cetacean carcass distribution can be influenced by these current and wind conditions, along with upwelling and downwelling

5. It was created by the upwelling of ancient evaporite (salt) deposits that exist beneath the Mississippi River Delta region.

6. A high washout rate due to upwelling and subsequent seaward and alongshore transport is the most plausible explanation.

7. Blue whale feeding aggregations are often found at the continental shelf edge where upwelling produces concentrations of krill.

8. Additionally, extensive upwelling of colder sub-surface waters occurs, caused by the prevailing northwesterly winds acting through the Ekman Effect.

9. By studying the latest Altimetry imagery you can locate areas of upwelling and downwelling and the location of ocean current features and eddies

10. A wind-induced upwelling event followed by alongshore propagation of a warmwater wave is described and the dynamics involved are discussed.

11. For example, the occurrence of kelp is frequently correlated with oceanographic upwelling zones, which provide unusually high concentrations of nutrients to the local environment.

12. The cool-water biofacies type III was strongly influenced by upwelling, it is represented predominantly by sediments of upper Early Campanian age.

13. This proposed that mid-oceanic ridges represent regions where new oceanic crust is being generated by the upwelling of hot mantle material.

14. It was formed on the "Kenyan Dome" a geographical upwelling created by the interactions of three major tectonics: the Arabian, Nubian, and Somalian plates.

15. Bowheads feed on copepods—tiny, space-alien looking creatures that are brought up from the bottom of the ocean by an upwelling caused by …

16. Mantle plumes induced asthenosphere upwelling and development of magma chambers along deep-sited faults, and thus resulted in fracture eruption of flood basalts on large scale.

17. 13 We use an upwelling-diffusion energy-balance climate model to simulate the effects of greenhouse and solar forcing over the period 1765 to 19

18. Bathymetric features such as the continental shelf and seamounts interact with ocean currents and winds to produce regions of upwelling, where nutrient-rich waters are brought to the surface

19. Alongshore geostrophic wind stresses (AWS) were used as an "index" of wind-induced coastal upwelling/downwelling for eight coastal stations from Baja California to Alaska for 1899–1988.

20. Climate change, ocean acidification, dissolved oxygen, carbon cycle, coastal upwelling, fishing dynamics -- the full spectrum of earth science and ocean science simultaneously in the same volume.

21. A two-stage model involving sidewall crystallization and upwelling of fractionated magma accumulating near the roof of the magma chamber is proposed to explain the reverse zoning.

22. The Benguela Current is one of those regions off the west coasts of the continents where there is an upwelling of cool, nutrient-rich water due to the coastal edge of the continental shelf, the prevailing winds, and the Earth's rotation

23. Cratons have thick lithospheric roots that extend down to at least 150–200 km, and kimberlite generation in the mantle is probably associated with the physical barrier to mantle upwelling provided by these deep continental roots

24. Measurement series of the upwelling solar radiation above the Baltic Sea and the corresponding actinometric and meteorological observations were carried out during the scientific cruises of the RV “Ayu-Dag” in the summer of 1981 and 1982.

25. Anoxic conditions are also found in the upper sediment layers of the Arabian Sea, where the oxygen minimum zone of the water column impinges on the continental margins in regions where high organic matter fluxes from monsoonal upwelling occur.

26. Sea level anomalies in particular have been associated with the relative strength of the alongshore currents within the coastal upwelling domain; thus, we argue that stronger northward (or weaker southward) flows assist the northward migration of hake.

27. Under prevailing summer oceanographic conditions along the British Columbia coast, likely ecological consequences of aggregation in and beneath upwelling water include access to high food density in the overlying surface layer, reduced alongshore transport, and horizontal segregation between adult and larval euphausiids.