Use "upanishad" in a sentence

1. Aranyaka Upanishad and its Vision: ‘Aranyaka Upanishad’ is a forest retreat center set in the himalayan foothills outside of Mussoorie in Uttarkhand, India

2. 13 The fairly long Chhandogya - upanishad develops the idea of transmigration of souls.

3. The origin of the motto is well-known mantra 3.1.6 from the Mundaka Upanishad.

4. In ancient India people who read the complete Upanishad Brahmanak were called Brahmins

5. 12 One of the Hindu scriptures, the Chandogya Upanishad, explains the law of karma in this way:

6. ‘Aranyaka has Mantras and methods that are practiced in the forests (that is, not for grhasthas).’ ‘This Upanishad is a part of the Taittariya Aranyaka and belongs to the Yajur Veda.’ Word of the day

7. In the sixth and eighth Brahmana of the third chapter in Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad is the dialogue between Gargi Vachaknavi – the female Vedic sage, and Yajñavalka, on the nature of universe

8. ‘The Aranyaka section of the Taittiriya Upanishad describes one goddess Durga who is resplendent like the raging fire.’ ‘The concept of the Brahman as the Supreme Being and the soul's (Atman) desire to be immortal is first speculated in the Aranyaka literature.’ ‘Each Veda has three sections - Samhita, Brahmana and Aranyaka.’

9. Bhakti (भक्ति) literally means “attachment, participation, fondness for, homage, faith, love, devotion, worship, purity”.It was originally used in Hinduism, referring to devotion and love for a personal god or a representational god by a devotee.In ancient texts such as the Shvetashvatara Upanishad, the term simply means participation, devotion and love for any endeavor, while in

10. To the seer, all things have verily become the Self: what delusion, what sorrow, can there be for him who Beholds that oneness? ~~ Yajur Veda, Isa Upanishad, Part 1 "The Karma Yogi, having abandoned the fruit of action, obtains eternal peace or release which comes of wisdom, while, he who, being prompted by desire, is attached to them, becomes