Use "unworthily" in a sentence

1. By partaking unworthily, they became “guilty respecting the body and the blood of the Lord.”

2. Jesus institutes the sacrament among the Nephites—They are commanded to pray always in His name—Those who eat His flesh and drink His blood unworthily are damned—The disciples are given power to confer the Holy Ghost. About A.D.

3. ‘He was severely reprimanded by the court, for aggravating his guilt by Aspersing the character of a woman of remarkable virtue and piety, whom he had cruelly deprived of life.’ ‘We are bound to defend those whom we hear aspersed, and who are spoken unworthily of by …

4. ‘He was severely reprimanded by the court, for aggravating his guilt by Aspersing the character of a woman of remarkable virtue and piety, whom he had cruelly deprived of life.’ ‘We are bound to defend those whom we hear aspersed, and who are spoken unworthily of by …