Use "unwary" in a sentence

1. How does Satan manipulate the unwary?

2. Sheldon unwary stabbing his Baaings headforemost

3. To deceive by guile or charm: Beguiled unwary investors

4. Small print in documents can contain traps for the unwary.

5. Buying property holds many pitfalls for the unwary.

6. Stations can be dangerous places for the unwary traveller.

7. To deceive by guile or charm: Beguiled unwary investors

8. The world’s disgraceful entertainment can ensnare an unwary Christian

9. Specialist subjects are full of pitfalls for the unwary.

10. Pot-holes can be lethal for the unwary cyclist.

11. The stock market is full of traps for the unwary.

12. Exams are not designed to set traps for unwary students.

13. 4 Pot-holes can be lethal for the unwary cyclist.

14. For a moment Obispal was unwary and he knows it.

15. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary.

16. The ostensible glory of that company allures the unwary investor.

17. The sea had been blue and calm, beguiling the unwary.

18. Rock concerts, for example, often expose unwary listeners to dangerously high decibel levels.

19. Undermine first, then turn the unwary from the path of righteousness.

20. He is a master at using doubts to trap the unwary.

21. An unwary observer could easily mistake this constellation for a comet.

22. Meanwhile(, the cowboy trader is free to carry on ripping off unwary customers.

23. Meanwhile, the cowboy trader is free to carry on ripping off unwary customers.

24. Ods Bodkins refers to God's little dagger with which He pricked the unwary

25. With its quicksands the river usually drowns a few unwary visitors every season.

26. Through Cozenage , the art dealer coaxed the unwary into selling their family treasures for a song

27. Cobweb A snare of insidious meshes designed to catch the ignorant and unwary

28. 9 That episode demonstrates the way wrong fleshly desires can corrupt unwary ones.

29. I am so infatuate, as a result is unwary beside true good friend.

30. 13 Meanwhile, the cowboy trader is free to carry on ripping off unwary customers.

31. Meanwhile, the cowboy trader is free to carry on ripping off unwary customers.

32. It can not be stopped, but it can stop the unwary or the unprepared.

33. The hack drivers aided and abetted this extortion, hustling unwary tourists to the Davis establishment.

34. The unlucky or unwary freeze in the streets or are hit by passing subway trains.

35. The caster awakens the forces of the wild, which call out to lure the unwary.

36. She sees a person caught in the ego traps which the world sets for the unwary.

37. They may even be able to warn the unwary and deliver them from the deceitful schemes of the wicked.

38. The new film will ambush the unwary, appal the squeamish and get unwanted attention the prurient.

39. An unwary animal hits the trip wire, causing the log or stone to fall, crushing the victim.

40. Thus, the unwary consumer might feel obligated to buy new clothes just to keep up to date.

41. The new film will ambush the unwary, appal the squeamish and get unwanted attention from the prurient.

42. The aroma of hot baked bread also carries with it a built-in pitfall for the unwary.

43. Not only do advertisements make luxuries seem indispensable, but unwary buyers are lured with easy credit plans.

44. An exotic beauty, with fire at her heart, a flame that could easily devour an unwary man.

45. Chicanery is the Art of deception and favored by those who utilize guile to lead the unwary astray

46. These cartoons, presented here, are my Bodkins with which I hope to prick your unwary sense of humour.

47. 15 An exotic beauty, with fire at her heart, a flame that could easily devour an unwary man.

48. His idiosyncratic usage is at once fascinating for analysis and a warning against making unwary generalisations about lyric poetry.

49. His idiosyncratic usage is at once fascinating for analysis and a warning against making unwary generalisations about lyric

50. Such conditions led to areas of swamp which were a natural trap for unwary animals which ventured to the river to drink.

51. Despite what pop culture comedies may lead you to believe, Bidets aren’t jet-propelled water guns designed to soak the unwary user

52. Like a jagged rock lying just below the surface of placid waters, such a person can cause spiritual shipwreck to the unwary.

53. See temptation for what it really is —a lure, or bait, that can lead a foolish, naive, or unwary person into danger.

54. The tainted places near the mountains are shunned by all but the boldest Elves for lurking evil can strike the unwary even here.

55. Antlions dig a small, perfectly round pit that captures unwary small insects, which are then subdued and eaten as a matter of course

56. As a matter of fact, I have no liking for Assignations under the conjugal roof; they are mouse-traps, in which the unwary : 2

57. Dibdin’s Bibliomania is an anthem to the printed book, a warning to the unwary about the perils of obsessive book-collecting, and the confessions of a …

58. What the unwary or new reader of Cayer will find in Attenuations of Force is, among other matters, a harrowing cross-species pity generated from watching a dead pigeon decay on a nearby

59. Examples of Cozenage in a Sentence through Cozenage and flattery, the art dealer coaxed the unwary into selling their family treasures for a song First Known Use of cozenage 1583, in the meaning …

60. Synonyms & Antonyms of Cozenage the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery through Cozenage and flattery, the art dealer coaxed the unwary into selling their family treasures for a song

61. If an unwary Viking wanders into the Chimerical Chamomeleon's domain and has the incredible fortune of spotting the dragon sunning himself in fields of yellow flowers, the Chimerical Chamomeleon will immediately vanish using his camouflage abilities.

62. ‘A glaciologist said the Crevasses could be wide open, waiting to swallow the unwary.’ ‘The lake invades the glacier's deep chasms and Crevasses, detonating thunderous explosions as great shards of ice detach and re-emerge as icebergs.’

63. A bogeyman ñ is a procedurally generated night creature which is mostly known for attacking unwary adventurers who travel or sleep outside at night, alone, within domains of evil - both fast travelling, and travelling normally on the local map, trigger the appearance of Bogeymen.

64. ‘A man was arrested after taking a knapsack from a Beachgoer in Coney Island and refusing to return it, police said yesterday.’ ‘It was just light enough to see, but not to read, the signs in the sand dunes that warn the unwary Beachgoer of snakes.’

65. ‘A man was arrested after taking a knapsack from a Beachgoer in Coney Island and refusing to return it, police said yesterday.’ ‘It was just light enough to see, but not to read, the signs in the sand dunes that warn the unwary Beachgoer of snakes.’

66. The attitude of confrontation with authority." One can hit on a clever distraction, such as proposing "a preferential love of the poor" to replace the enemy's "preferential option for the poor"; or Belaboring the virtue of solidarity in the hope that the unwary will not realize that justice has gone out the window.