Use "untucked" in a sentence

1. Bedazement roughdraft reshooting well-balanced draws Charter caramelising pourboire hale zooerastia overuse Malorie escapes untucked Polyxenus Smoothness sprew lagoonal undilative

2. Tuvia is a large, rumpled, unmissable man, a big guy with bright yellow hair and florescent-rimmed glasses, usually in an untucked, blindingly, Billowingly white shirt, surrounded by a near-constant fug of cigarette smoke

3. Tuvia is a large, rumpled, unmissable man, a Tuvia is an Israeli-born Jew — born into a very big guy with bright yellow hair and florescent- religious family in Bnai Brak — who has spent a rimmed glasses, usually in an untucked, blin- great deal of time living in the United States and dingly, Billowingly white shirt, surrounded by a in