Use "untreatable" in a sentence

1. The adhesions might be the reason of total retinal ablatio acting as a major oral dialysis in untreatable cases.

2. Percutaneous in situ venous Arterialization may be an effective therapy for diffuse, “untreatable” coronary disease by supplying a robust inflow of arterialized blood via retroperfusion to severely ischemic myocardium

3. ‘Spinal muscular Atrophy is a degenerative condition which is untreatable.’ ‘Physical therapy is directed at preventing Atrophy and contractures, and is particularly necessary in patients with calcinosis and muscle involvement.’

4. Avulsion of the optic nerve is a rare traumatic optic neuropathy which is currently untreatable, has poor visual prognosis, and occurs via indirect mechanisms and therefore, differentiating it from other traumatic optic neuropathies is important in terms of preventing unnecessary treatments and informing the patient.