Use "unsuitable" in a sentence

1. Wrong, irrelevant, inappropriate, unsuitable, inApplicable

2. Unsuitable candidates were screened out.

3. The dress is unsuitable for summer.

4. The book is unsuitable for children .

5. Ecologically, too, pop is highly unsuitable.

6. 8 Unsuitable candidates were screened out.

7. Limestone and sandstone are quite unsuitable.

8. She always falls for unsuitable men.

9. Many tasks were considered unsuitable for women.

10. This area is unsuitable for heavy industry.

11. She had contracted a most unsuitable marriage.

12. Is assembly initiation part unsuitable for irascibility?

13. They considered him quite unsuitable for their daughter.

14. Amy's shoes were unsuitable for walking any distance.

15. We rejected most of the candidates as unsuitable.

16. An abrasive material is unsuitable for cleaning baths.

17. These exponential explosions make them unsuitable for larger problems.

18. makes him unsuitable as a judge in this case.

19. They officially designated the area unsuitable for human habitation.

20. Certain kinds of food are unsuitable for small children.

21. If unsuitable Backfill material is encountered, notify the Engineer

22. Thus, Packet Tracer is unsuitable for modelling production networks.

23. These roads are unsuitable for use by heavy vehicles.

24. "I was always chasing after unsuitable men," she says.

25. Heart Failure (as second line, when ACE inhibitors are unsuitable

26. Her parents will never acquiesce in such an unsuitable marriage.


28. Chinook unsuitable for pick-up due to location being minefield

29. He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing.

30. The rides are unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition.

31. His jocose manner was unsuitable for such a solemn occasion.

32. If your Barbs have been kept in unsuitable water conditions,

33. I think it was her family that was considered unsuitable

34. The film is unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition .

35. i(i)clearly unsuitable for wine-growing owing in particular to adverse natural soil conditions, unsuitable slopes, excessive humidity, adverse exposure, excessive altitude or unfavourable micro-climate,

36. · Housing of assistance seekers with no shelter or with unsuitable guardians

37. Pyridine is added to ethanol to make it unsuitable for drinking.

38. Yes, it was gathering in both unsuitable fish and fine fish.

39. Coude tip catheters are often used when a straight catheter is unsuitable

40. Unlike the other types, they are inherently unsuitable for interrupting DC faults.

41. Digging locale's environment is execrable, so it is unsuitable for operator's fieldwork.

42. A Bad temper can be anything from unsuitable to inappropriate or unhealthy

43. No, no, no, no, the brig is unsuitable for long-term incarceration.

44. The test is used to filter out candidates who may be unsuitable.

45. Time after time she gets herself involved in relationships with unsuitable men.

46. Remove rock, rubbish, boulders, debris, and other unsuitable Backfill materials at least 6

47. His detractors claim that his fierce temper makes him unsuitable for party leadership.

48. Numerous Web sites present violent and pornographic materials that are entirely unsuitable for Christians.

49. By the early 20th century, many regarded the song unsuitable as a national anthem.

50. Adverse climate, isolation and poorly drained peat bogs make this region unsuitable for agriculture.

51. With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker.

52. The movie was Censurable, due to the extreme violence that was unsuitable for minors

53. Avoid overheating, as the agar is likely to become soft and unsuitable for streaking.


55. Some say coroner's courts are antiquated, and unsuitable for this kind of military investigation.

56. Masters degree theses were excluded because the smaller numbers made them unsuitable for analysis.

57. Some were obviously unsuitable and could be ruled out at once. Others were borderline cases.

58. Denature: means to treat a meat product to make it unsuitable for use as food.

59. Synonyms for Amiss include incorrect, wrong, inappropriate, defective, faulty, improper, unsuitable, untoward, awry and confused

60. The Anatomical donation program reserves the right to decline any donation that it deems unsuitable

61. The huge proportions of the main rooms made the house unsuitable for conversion into flats.

62. He has always been a problem child, coddled by his father, unsuitable for the throne.

63. He went ashore to establish a settlement at Botany Bay but decided that it was unsuitable.

64. 20 Some cleansers help loosen simple blackheads, but are unsuitable for whiteheads, inflamed pimples or cysts.

65. Much of the land is unsuitable for agriculture, and food accounts for about 20% of imports.

66. 23 Some were obviously unsuitable and could be ruled out at once. Others were borderline cases.

67. 28 The huge proportions of the main rooms made the house unsuitable for conversion into flats.

68. Meadow Anemone (Anemone canadensis), for example, spreads very quickly, making it an unsuitable planting for small gardens

69. However, acid-base hydrolysis can denature a target protein, and is thus unsuitable when purifying a protein.

70. Occasional use of profanity won’t necessarily result in your video being unsuitable for advertising, but context matters.

71. Should you accept the offer anyway, thinking that an unsuitable job is better than no job?

72. Old-fashioned or unsuitable for modern society: It will take many years to modernize these Antiquated industries

73. It also finds that that the goods in issue are unsuitable for use independently of the lathe.

74. It is concluded that intravenous infusion of prostaglandin F2α is unsuitable as an abortifacient in progressed pregnancy.

75. Do not waste valuable height trying to fathom out how to get down in an unsuitable field.

76. Lead-acid batteries may be cheaper, but are unsuitable because of their lower power-to-weight ratio.

77. The unsuitable are thrown away, eventually to be cast into a symbolic fiery furnace, denoting future destruction.

78. There they had little hope of meeting, wooing or wedding even the most hideous and unsuitable Englishwomen.

79. Arches were known in ancient Egypt and Greece but were considered unsuitable for monumental architecture and seldom used

80. Furthermore, Applicants for employment with the USSS who currently use illegal drugs will be found unsuitable for employment