Use "unsteady" in a sentence

1. The unsteady hand betrays.

2. Her voice was unsteady .

3. His... his condition is... unsteady.

4. Aflicker - shining unsteadily flickering unsteady - subject to change or variation; "her unsteady walk"; "his hand was unsteady as he poured the

5. Her heart gave an unsteady lurch.

6. Arrhythmic - lacking a steady rhythm; "an Arrhythmic heartbeat" jerking , jerky unsteady - subject to change or variation; "her unsteady walk"; "his hand was unsteady as …

7. His heartbeat/pulse was unsteady.

8. I gave her an unsteady smile.

9. She took a deep unsteady breath.

10. I feel instantly unsteady on my feet.

11. His voice was unsteady and only just audible.

12. She was quite unsteady on her feet .

13. Unsteady hips suggest a loss of power.

14. He was very unsteady on his feet.

15. Six whiskies made him unsteady on his feet.

16. You're unsteady, untidy, rank with the sweat and spirits.

17. They were unsteady on their feet and rather uncoordinated.

18. The Benefactor is a misguided film, unsteady on its feet

19. This table must be wedged up because it is unsteady.

20. The sun cast an unsteady red across the sky.

21. My hand felt unsteady as I signed the paper.

22. He poured the coffee with a very unsteady hand.

23. But being, as Aforesaid, slightly unsteady on his legs, he fell

24. The Benefactor is a misguided film, unsteady on its feet

25. Time dependent flow is known as unsteady (also called transient).

26. 20 When children are just learning to walk, their steps are unsteady.

27. Anne stepped backwards, the train rocking under her feet, making her unsteady.

28. Careening: to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions

29. She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation.

30. Careened: to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions

31. Careen: to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions.

32. Steady flows are often more tractable than otherwise similar unsteady flows.

33. They must avoid wavering, being ‘indecisive, unsteady in all their ways.’

34. Finally the analogy between unsteady state heat and mass transfer is discussed.

35. Without the foundation stone, the relationship may become unsteady and even get worse.

36. The years following this unsteady inaugural were marked by a deepening mutual disdain.

37. A Balance disorder is a condition that makes you feel unsteady or dizzy

38. He touched her almost tentatively, and his hands were unsteady again now.

39. Blench definition, to shrink; flinch; quail: an unsteady eye that Blenched under another's gaze

40. We have to learn to adjust our unsteady steps to match Jehovah’s steady lead.

41. Flickering: 1 adj shining unsteadily Synonyms: Aflicker unsteady subject to change or variation

42. Breeze took a step and sat down again, being very unsteady on her feet.

43. Aflicker: 1 adj shining unsteadily Synonyms: flickering unsteady subject to change or variation

44. 17 He touched her almost tentatively, and his hands were unsteady again now.

45. The boy was very unsteady and had staggered around when he got up.

46. The inner flow of turbine is 3D viscid, incompressible and unsteady turbulent flow.

47. 23 We hold on to one another, an unsteady circle, and leave the room together.

48. For a few moments he was pale and unsteady but his colour gradually returned.

49. An unsteady-looking rope bridge was the only way to get across the chasm.

50. Synonyms for Chameleonic include variable, fluctuating, unstable, fickle, inconstant, shifting, unsteady, wavering, capricious and fluid

51. Unsteady adjoint calculation capabilities have also been significantly improved and integrated into industrial adjoint solvers.

52. An analysis of the hydrodynamic Coefficients based on unsteady propeller theory was undertaken by Schwanecke (1963)

53. A Balance disorder is a condition that makes you feel unsteady on your feet and dizzy

54. The gait of my friend was unsteady... and the bells on his jester's cap jingled... as he strode.

55. She's been in bed with the flu and she's still a bit unsteady on her feet.

56. Agitated definition: troubled emotionally and usually deeply synonyms: excited, phrenetic, emotional, hysterical, wild-eyed, shaken, aroused, unsteady, frenzied

57. He poured coffee into the mugs, and with an unsteady hand, held one of them out to David.

58. 13 Unsteady testing for oil and gas well includes testing of drawdown curve and build - up curve.

59. WHO of us welcomes the effects of old age —wrinkled skin, poor eyesight, loss of hearing, and unsteady legs?

60. Seven years of mutually mediocre diplomacy and unsteady leadership form the backdrop of Clinton's brief twilight encounter with Putin.

61. Routine swimming of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, was dominated by unsteady motions of linear and centripetal (angular) acceleration.

62. Two sets of analytical solutions of 1-D unsteady isentropic perfect gas flow with area change are given.

63. An unsteady, staggering gait is described as an Ataxic gait because walking is uncoordinated and appears to be ‘not ordered’.

64. The amplitude and the phase lead of the unsteady part of the dimensionless skin friction decreases with increase in β.

65. A Blear-eyed, unsteady individual, whom Bart recognized as a member of the Sharp Corner contingent, advanced to the table

66. Key topics of interest included blade design, three-dimensional (3D) advances, unsteady flows, heat transfer, aero-elasticity, noise, thermodynamics and two-phase flows.

67. Aerofoils of gas turbines usually have relatively thick trailing edges for reasons of mechanical integrity, and hence strong unsteady wakes are created

68. If only the legs are affected , a kid might walk in an unsteady way or have to wear braces or use crutches .

69. Initial symptoms may include unsteady posture, frequent falling, and progressive difficulty in walking due to impaired ability to coordinate voluntary movements (Ataxia).

70. The calculated lift was found to be too small by a factor of three, so researchers realized that there must be unsteady phenomena providing aerodynamic forces.

71. Unduly large gap of household income, low gross income, unsteady expected expenses and income is one of the most important reasons restricting social investment and consumer demands.

72. Whether it’s an unsteady ship, a speeding bus, or a person who is woozy, use the verb Careen to describe something that’s teetering from side to side.

73. Ataxic gait A gait disorder characterised by unsteady, wide-based steps, incoordination, staggering, and decomposition of movements; it is generally linked to cerebellar or sensory ataxia.

74. The model which stress was cash floe, and explaining the frailty of financial system with over-finance conception were the new developments of modern finance unsteady theory.

75. The acoustic analogy, which aims at defining a formal link between unsteady flow features and equivalent acoustic sources in the flow, essentially decouples the noise propagation from its generation.

76. 18 The causes of failure were related with malposition of fracture site after discard of plaster of paris, unsteady fixation, too big or too small of ligation, or misposition etc.

77. With a centre span that measures 2.5 km between towers, this design calls for extensive testing of the bridge's ability to withstand the unsteady aerodynamic forces produced by the wind.

78. The unsteady Loading noise generated by interaction of a front rotor wake with an aft rotor in a counter-rotating(CR) propeller is analyzed and the noise radiation formulae are derived.

79. Summary: Populated with elves, orcs, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings, Arcanum, a Tolkienesque fantasy world, exists in an unsteady equilibrium between the emergence of industrialized cities and the decline of magic

80. 1 definition found From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]: Ataxy n 1: inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements; unsteady movements and staggering gait [syn: {ataxia}, {Ataxy}, {dyssynergia}, {motor ataxia}] WordNet ® Princeton University