Use "unstable equilibrium" in a sentence

1. Small droplet is unstable to thermal Agitations and will evaporate if the equilibrium vapor pressure over its surface exceeds that in the environment

2. This angle must be at least #° at the moment when the tractor is resting in a state of unstable equilibrium on the wheels touching the ground

3. He's unstable.

4. This angle must be at least 38° at the moment when the tractor is resting in a state of unstable equilibrium on the wheels touching the ground.

5. Everything becomes unstable.

6. The equilibrium price decreases but equilibrium quantity increases.

7. You're an unstable crybaby.

8. He was emotionally unstable.

9. 21 In other words, the unstable limit cycle will be bifurcated from the original asymptotical stable equilibrium point at another higher series compensation level, and the system dynamics will change.

10. He grew disgruntled and unstable.

11. The patient's condition was unstable.

12. The wall was dangerously unstable.

13. the equilibrium time for adsorption and the amount of test substance adsorbed at equilibrium

14. Pombe Centromeres are unstable in E

15. The situation there remains very unstable.

16. Introduction to Bifurcations and The Hopf Bifurcation Theorem Roberto Munoz-Alicea~ µ = 0 x Figure 1: Phase portrait for Example 2.1 We conclude that the equilibrium point x = 0 is an unstable saddle node

17. - the equilibrium time for adsorption and the amount of test substance adsorbed at equilibrium,

18. Chromate – DiChromate Equilibrium 1

19. These resonant orbits are very unstable.

20. The building trade is notoriously unstable.

21. Many Cyberstalkers are obsessed, unstable, or …

22. Amphiphilic colloids are unstable to a

23. The political situation is highly unstable.

24. Acetylides are typically unstable or explosive.

25. His personality is a little unstable.

26. The political situation remains highly unstable.

27. David's mother was unstable and moody.

28. 11 The wall was dangerously unstable.

29. So I could rewrite the same weak acid equilibrium as a weak base equilibrium.

30. The situation here is precarious, quite unstable.

31. 6 These resonant orbits are very unstable.

32. Although rattan rope bridge is usually unstable.

33. Trimethylcarbinol - isopentanol binary system vapor - liquid equilibrium date were measured with vapor liquid equilibrium caldron in

34. Acid-base equilibrium slide-rule


36. The system is chaotic and apparently unstable.

37. The building was beginning to get unstable.

38. Isopropanol - Isopentanol Binary system vapor - liquid equilibrium date were measured with vapor - liquid equilibrium caldron in

39. This is a highly unstable substance, okay?

40. The political situation is still very unstable.

41. Isopropanol - Isopentanol Binary system vapor - liquid equilibrium date were measured with vapor - liquid equilibrium caldron in

42. Association numbersN and equilibrium constantsnK1,N of association have been determined by light scattering or equilibrium ultracentrifugation.

43. Below around 700 °C (723 °C in pure iron) the Austenite is thermodynamically unstable and, under equilibrium conditions, it will undergo a eutectoid reaction and form pearlite - an interleaved mixture of ferrite and cementite (Fe3C).

44. The situation is unstable and potentially dangerous.

45. Capitalist society is by its very nature unstable.

46. In Equilibrium, ( Depreciation ) must equal ( Investment ).

47. She struggled to recover her equilibrium.

48. Iran is the fulcrum of an unstable region.

49. She was physically delicate and psy-chologically unstable.

50. That chair looks a bit unstable to me.

51. The world is a precarious and unstable place.

52. Maurice Allais on capital and equilibrium in the 1940s and the implications for the general equilibrium theory

53. I can easily testify that he was unstable.

54. It is a poor and politically unstable society.

55. Effect on the acid/base equilibrium.

56. What determines the equilibrium between phases?

57. UT Medicine surgeons revolutionize repair of unstable Breastbones

58. Age distributions were unstable in all three species.

59. Both clay and sandstone are unstable rock formations.

60. Increased casting range on unstable concoction a bit.

61. Nothing, then, is both equilibrium and disequilibrium.

62. What is the effect upon equilibrium price?

63. As the uranium reacts its radioactivity produces unstable atoms.

64. The predicted equilibrium bond angle is 95.5°.

65. But now I'll focus on 2D equilibrium.

66. Buckling is a sudden, large, and unstable lateral deflection

67. All was unstable; quivering as leaves, evanescent as lightning.

68. Heather suggested baldly that Ms. Lane was mentally unstable.

69. She's completely unstable you saw her at the Pentagon.

70. All right, what about acid based equilibrium.

71. An unstable Empire could mean trouble for the quadrant.

72. The most heavily fortified borders were the most unstable.

73. Hot money notoriously unstable and even more notoriously procyclical.

74. Firstly capitalist society is by its very nature unstable.

75. Astatic definition: not static ; unstable Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

76. Icebergs are notoriously unstable and are likely to turn over.

77. Their politics consisted of unstable power-plays between rival groups.

78. 4 Heather suggested baldly that Ms. Lane was mentally unstable.

79. The equilibrium of every ocean depends on them.

80. 29 Equilibrium will be inefficient. 7 Distortions occur whenever free market equilibrium does not equate marginal social cost and marginal social benefit.