Use "unsettling" in a sentence

1. I immediately sensed something new, something unsettling.

2. Still, the onset of menstruation can be unsettling.

3. Very unsettling for people working in pathology labs.

4. The Africanist Press Is Unsettling The SLPP

5. 5 This country faces a multitude of unsettling problems.

6. Behind the proximate threat lies a more unsettling truth.

7. 7 Howard's always found him slightly unsettling, it's true.

8. 6 These factors seem especially unsettling to women and children.

9. 8 Tim was confused by these mixed and unsettling messages.

10. Wow, that is an unsettling amount of hemorrhoid wipes.

11. Musically, things take their cues from the staging s unsettling tone.

12. The second time Terca was Burglarized was more unsettling, however

13. The suits are slim and elegant without being flashy or unsettling.

14. 1 Seeing Nicky again after so long was an unsettling experience.

15. Aberrations are more unsettling, more abstracted in their bodies and biology

16. He had a slight air of menace which I found unsettling.

17. 30 Musically, things take their cues from the staging s unsettling tone.

18. 26 He had a slight air of menace which I found unsettling.

19. 19 It was too unsettling, made her feel too hot and bothered.

20. Too late, she remembered the unsettling effect such comments would have on Johnny.

21. It was fear mixed with inarticulate anger and expressed in strange, unsettling encounters.

22. Your Countenanced carbuncle manifests as a small, unsettling face upon your palm

23. 2 The country's economic crisis had an unsettling effect on world markets.

24. But while this may be unsettling for marketers, it's actually a good thing.

25. The Ardors is an unsettling book that travels deeply into the human psyche

26. It was an unsettling show. There was a hallucinatory feel from the start.

27. The prospect of change of this kind has an unsettling effect on any organisation.

28. Accomplices aren’t afraid to engage in uncomfortable, unsettling, and/or challenging debates or discussions

29. 4 It was an unsettling show. There was a hallucinatory feel from the start.

30. As time passed, I began to feel an unsettling sensation after each day’s workout.

31. They have been through an unsettling time and are finding it difficult to readjust.

32. Synonyms for Alaruming include flurrying, disturbing, upsetting, worrying, perturbing, bothering, unsettling, agitating, discomposing and distressing

33. 10 Too late, she remembered the unsettling effect such comments would have on Johnny.

34. 25 The prospect of change of this kind has an unsettling effect on any organisation.

35. 13 For some reason I always find it unsettling when some one follows my tracks.

36. Cabinet of Curiosities is an audio tour of the unbelievable, the unsettling, and the bizarre

37. Reigning Empress Anna Ivanovna was very cautious about any potentially unsettling activity in her realm.

38. Synonyms for Agitating include disturbing, disquieting, unsettling, distressing, unnerving, tense, uneasy, worrisome, anxious and distressful

39. As we pass through this stormy and hazardous system of things, we face unsettling challenges.

40. 28 He seemed to take the place for granted, but I found it all vaguely unsettling.

41. 18 Full employee ownership of shares is an unsettling prospect for those in the investment business.

42. Did he find it unsettling that this squalling stranger might be his own flesh and blood?

43. 24 He offers them another unsettling peacemaking idea; they invent another excuse for turning it down.

44. 11 It is physiologically unsettling to gaze out from a dark patch into a brighter one.

45. 20 His entire performance is magnificently unsettling and is no sense the Liszt Sonata of received wisdom.

46. It had been an unsettling evening. People were not behaving as he had ordained they should behave.

47. In general, Clasping the hands signifies some kind of unsettling thought—fear, anxiety, insecurity and the like

48. 22 The weather forecast was unsettling - we had nowhere to go if a really big storm hit.

49. F. The unsettling effect of the intervention of an administrative body in a dialogue between courts

50. 3 One of the film's many unsettling images is of a child playing with her father's gun.

51. It was unsettling to know that a panel of celibate strangers were scrutinizing her most intimate affairs.

52. This situation is at the least unsettling , and at the most a grave and wholly unwarranted provocation.

53. 13 His entire performance is magnificently unsettling and is no sense the Liszt Sonata of received wisdom.

54. 29 I was grateful to get the chance, but the result was unsettling, and even alarming at times.

55. A wink can be fun, teasing, flirty and — depending on the one doing (or receiving) the winking — unsettling

56. With a haunting original score by Randy Risling and evocative quotes, Airsick plays out like an unsettling dream.

57. It was the unsettling effect he had on her, making her question everything she'd always taken for granted.

58. Contempt is a brilliant and unsettling work by one of the revolutionary masters of modern European literature

59. 8 Did he find it unsettling that this squalling stranger might be his own flesh and blood?

60. 16 The whole weekend had been unsettling, which was perhaps why the game had stuck in her mind.

61. 14 In a more unsettling development, the report also revealed a big jump in prices paid for raw materials.

62. 23 The experience is unsettling, as if voyeuristic, and also uncanny, like a brief time travel, and absurdly pleasing.

63. 9 It had been an unsettling evening. People were not behaving as he had ordained they should behave.

64. Birds far from their nests whirred noisily in the sky, a cheerless sound that Jinju found particularly unsettling.

65. 27 Birds far from their nests whirred noisily in the sky, a cheerless sound that Jinju found particularly unsettling.

66. 23 It was unsettling to want it because it was so entirely not what she had intended to buy.

67. 21 The experience is unsettling, as if voyeuristic, and also uncanny, like a brief time travel, and absurdly pleasing.

68. The years before and immediately after the outbreak of World War I in 1914 were unsettling for experimental painters.

69. 17 It was the unsettling effect he had on her,( making her question everything she'd always taken for granted.

70. An audacious, unsettling Japanese horror film from director Takashi Miike, Audition entertains as both a grisly shocker and a psychological drama.

71. 12 Their brittle and unsettling promise had already crept into the dark comers of her house and laid bare its emptiness.

72. 15 His unsettling nightmares continued, and the John-Augustus struggle which he thought had been resolved in Buttermere began to re-emerge.

73. The Backrooms is a creepypasta inspired by a comment on a picture of an "unsettling room" on 4chan's /x/ board

74. The Backrooms is a creepypasta inspired by a comment on a picture of an "unsettling room" on 4chan's /x/board

75. Corkscrew Theater Festival in collaboration with Sheep Eats Wolf presents Corkscrew 4.0, a series of interactive online experiences as twisted, unsettling, absurd, and …

76. For him, the gaps and Blanknesses in the ruins form portals to another time, bringing back the dead and unsettling the ruin-gazer

77. The sight of his clothes was unsettling enough: the coat was torn and filthy, and his dark fedora Begrimed with pale dust

78. An examination of Brainstems among children and young adults living in smoggy Mexico City has uncovered unsettling early markers of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS

79. A recent Ask Reddit thread asked women who've been Catcalled (so essentially all human women) to disclose just how terrible and unsettling it feels …

80. Anything that's been Abandoned is creepy to begin with, but Abandoned Disney parks have a particularly unsettling quality to them that's hard to shake.