Use "unremunerated" in a sentence

1. Periods of education or training and unremunerated traineeships are not taken into account.

2. The Commission therefore notes that Sogepa granted an unremunerated guarantee to the insolvency administrators of a bankrupt company.

3. These provisions set out the specific conditions of admission for third-country national school pupils, remunerated and unremunerated trainees, volunteers and au-pairs, who need to show evidence of the organisation that is responsible for their exchange, training or, volunteering.

4. on the conditions of admission ð entry and residence ï of third-country nationals for the purposes of Ö research, Õ studies, pupil exchange, ð remunerated and ï unremunerated training or, voluntary service ð and au pairing ï on a specific procedure for admitting third-country nationals for the purposes of scientific research