Use "unpronounceable" in a sentence

1. Because: amphioxi looks pretentious and Amphioxuses is almost unpronounceable; the common solution is to use amphioxus regard - less of whether the singular or the plural is intended

2. Secondly, we learned there was a proposal for renaming this body because many people feel the current name is honestly speaking unpronounceable or is not a fitting acronym.

3. See ROSALIND Ballaster, FABULOUS ORIENTS: FICTIONS OF THE EAST IN ENGLAND 1662-1785, at 202-03 (2005) ("The sinophobic name points to the centuries-old tradition in Europe of representing spoken Chinese as an incomprehensible and unpronounceable combination of sounds."); Oliver Kutz et al., Chinese Whispers and Connected Alignments, 689 CEUR

4. Adonai a-do'-ni, ad-o-na'-i ('adhonay): A Divine name, translated "Lord," and signifying, from its derivation, "sovereignty." Its vowels are found in the Massoretic Text with the unpronounceable tetragrammaton YHWH; and when the Hebrew reader came to these letters, he always substituted in pronunciation the word " 'adhonay."