Use "unlimited liability" in a sentence

1. A solely - owned enterprise or unlimited liability company.

2. The main disadvantages is the unlimited liability of each partner.

3. General partners may have unlimited liability. Limited partners enjoy limited liability.

4. A partnership may have unlimited liability as well as limited liability.

5. Yet they have unlimited liability and are responsible for all their business debts.

6. BP insider says that what has spooked investors is the prospect of unlimited liability.

7. If this is not sufficient the unlimited liability of the members is joint and several.

8. The main disadvantage of this trading structure, however , is the unlimited liability of the sole trader.

9. Partnerships are a legal stipulation for law firms, and, with unlimited liability, a burden for many.

10. In addition, the general partners retain unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership.

11. The new companies would also differ from co-operatives in that they would operate with unlimited liability.

12. As mentioned above, such guarantee follows from the State's unlimited liability for the HFF's debts as its owner

13. A seller who accepted an unlimited liability for economic loss on many of his transactions would soon go out of business.

14. The Chinese nuclear family with an only child is like a company of unlimited liability, because the parents bear unlimited responsibility for their child's future.

15. AFFIDAVIT OF SPECIFIC NEGATIVE Averment From the soil of [State] the undersigned Affiant, [Name], one living, breathing, flesh -and-blood being, hereinafter "Secured Par ty," appearing in restricted jurisdiction in proper capacity with unlimited liability, possessing undiminished standing in …