Use "unjustified" in a sentence

1. Ultimately, both an unjustified advantage and an unjustified disadvantage for a taxable person are thereby avoided.

2. You have made several unjustified presuppositions.

3. This contention seems to me to be unjustified.

4. The criticism was wholly unjustified.

5. And the horror may not be unjustified.

6. This is inaccurate, and unjustified by any international comparison.

7. 26 synonyms for Baseless: unfounded, false, fabricated, unconfirmed, spurious, unjustified, unproven

8. Many disabled people suffer from unjustified discrimination when they apply for jobs.

9. The paper's assault on the president was totally unjustified.

10. 10 Does the government allow of unjustified tax increases?

11. The commission concluded that the police action was unjustified.

12. Watkins told the committee he believed his reprimand was unjustified.

13. Carping is petty and unjustified criticism that just won’t stop

14. He was taken to court, which found his action unjustified.

15. I think your criticisms of Mr Ward are completely unjustified.

16. This is not to say that all criticism is unjustified.

17. The public authorities should avoid unjustified additional load to the operators.

18. What does the integrity of God’s servants in the face of unjustified hatred accomplish?

19. That would raise unjustified hopes and there had been no reciprocation.

20. Today, many of the rules laid down then appear anachronistic and unjustified.

21. There may even be unjustified assumptions about the rationality of human behaviour.

22. Interval Appendicectomy is of questionable benefit and may indeed be unjustified; therefore it should be

23. Bighead: an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements

24. Ailurophobia is the name that receives persistent, abnormal and unjustified fear towards cats

25. However, the enemy has failed in the purpose of his foul, unjustified persecution!

26. Moving active substances between two locations without storing them for unjustified periods of time.

27. Although such criticism may well be totally unjustified, if could be very embarrassing.

28. (c) 1,5 Mio ECU of unjustified adjustments to the bank balances (paragraph 3.27(a)).

29. This confidence seems unjustified, at least as far as capital asset charging is concerned.

30. Modern censures on Herodotos for failing to mention this obstacle have, here as often, been proved unjustified.

31. Arrogance: an exaggerated sense of one's importance that shows itself in the making of excessive or unjustified claims

32. 27 And most, in their macroeconomic management, lurched between unjustified fears of recession and unwarranted euphoria about growth.

33. - a one-sided, materially unjustified distortion of competition to the advantage of debt-collection agencies.

34. The defendant had supreme and, as it turned out, unjustified, confidence in his own judgment.

35. Conceitedness: an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements

36. Carping sounds like crapso its unjustified to criticize this word and call it "crap".

37. (2 Timothy 3:4) In other words, they have an inflated opinion of themselves, one that is unjustified.

38. (Revelation 2:10) Yes, Satan is the source of all unjustified hatred against God’s people.

39. Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.

40. The Abandonee must grapple alone with the pieces of a broken relationship, further wounded by unjustified blame

41. To ensure access to an effective remedy for unjustified claims of confidentiality, States have implemented appeals mechanisms.

42. In my opinion, this pessimism is unjustified because ecosystems have enormous powers of recovery from traumatic experiences.

43. It also defined the judicial rights of citizens in respect of unjustified actions by state security bodies.

44. Unjustified refusal to attend the Labour Exchanges for getting exemptions from the allocation of jobs (training);

45. He said that since his reason did not support his instinct his suspicions might be unjustified.

46. b) Unjustified refusal to attend the Labour Exchanges for getting exemptions from the allocation of jobs (training

47. Patrick " Aches " Price is a Call of Duty esports player, previously a player for Unjustified Gaming

48. targeted actions aimed at tackling remaining unjustified regulatory barriers hindering the potential of the single market for services;

49. Some apparently unjustified restrictions, however, are in fact acceptable, such as the common example of different pricing.

50. Free trade agreements will ensure market access by removing unjustified barriers that distort trade flows and investment.

51. The prohibition on eating from that tree, he argued, was unjustified; it was an abuse of power.

52. The undermining of self-esteem may lead to assumptions about the reactions of others that are unjustified.

53. And you could see just from the body-language that she felt the policemen's warning was unjustified.

54. Complacence is negative in the sense that it implies an undeserved or unjustified sense of wellbeing and contentment

55. The black and Hispanic community mobilized in the belief that the shoplifting charges and the shooting were unjustified.

56. The symptoms include shortness of breath, headaches, nausea, skin rashes, lack of appetite, unjustified anger, nervousness, and negative thinking.

57. Unjustified reductions or across-the-board cuts could adversely affect mission operations or endanger the fulfilment of mandates.

58. 9, 2021, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) issued the Rules on Counteracting Unjustified Extraterritorial Application of Foreign Legislation and Other Measures

59. Enraged by his unjustified treatment, Ye Ting left China and went into exile in Europe, not returning until nearly a decade later.

60. But he says just as worrying, is the string of unjustified complaints made against him by members of the public.

61. If the premises are unjustified, there will be no justification for the conclusion at least, not by this inference.

62. Home Perspectives China issues “Rules on Counteracting unjustified extra-territorial application of foreign legislation and other measures” On 9 January 2021, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM) published the ‘Rules on Blocking Unjustified Extraterritorial Application of Foreign Legislation and Other

63. Despite all recent debates about unjustified cruelty towards the animals, Bullfights are still legal in Mexico and a few other countri

64. Before setting up a new agency, it should be proved that it would bring a clear added value and would not increase red tape and unjustified costs.

65. Synonyms & Antonyms of Bumptiousness an exaggerated sense of one's importance that shows itself in the making of excessive or unjustified claims for unbridled Bumptiousness, it …

66. Gideon’s reply to the unjustified verbal attack of the men of Ephraim reflected his mildness and humility and thus deflected their unfair criticism and maintained peace.

67. Synonyms & Antonyms of Complacence 1 an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements the Complacence …

68. The rights derived from article # of the General Civil Law Code are absolute rights that enjoy protection against unjustified interventions by third parties

69. However, based on current data it seems unjustified to consider these often accidental ECG findings a marker for high risk of sudden cardiac death.

70. Such practices include certain types of vertical agreements and/or distribution systems and unjustified refusals to alow third parties non-discriminatory access to essential infrastructure.

71. Adjective unfounded, false, fabricated, unconfirmed, spurious, unjustified, unproven, unsubstantiated, groundless, unsupported, trumped up, without foundation, unjustifiable, uncorroborated, ungrounded, without basis The government has described the reports as completely Baseless.

72. The key word in the definition of Aggression is "unjustified"—that is, in violation of International Law, treaties, or agreements.It was the basic charge leveled against Nazi …

73. The contradistinction of the two logics, formal logical and dialectical, is equally unjustified. In Contradistinction, the other half of the biennial is made up of work from elsewhere in the world

74. Before setting up a new agency, there should be clear evidence that it would bring significant added value and would not increase red tape and unjustified costs.

75. Many groups, including the Consumer Choice Center, have endorsed genetic technologies, and there is good reason to expect the UK government to finally choose science over unjustified Cautiousness

76. Bigotry is colloquially held to mean the unjustified prejudice or bias against something — commonly against races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, or politics.Technically, however, this differs from the dictionary definition of the term

77. The attitude in the late 1950s to 1970s that Antacids should be taken only on demand was unjustified and was based on what can be seen nowadays as misinterpretation of scientific data

78. If treatment was performed by a physician without allergologic specialization, an unjustified premature treatment cessation was more frequent (12/32; 37.5%) than in patients treated by an allergologist (4/27; 14.8%; p = 0.05).

79. It considered that the threshold of 350 μg/m3 proposed by the Commission - based on the tests of exposure of particularly sensitive categories of the population whilst exercising - was likely to induce unjustified alarm in the general population.

80. Acts of aggression committed by Israel, such as the absolutely unjustified aggression committed recently against the town of Ein Saheb, Syria, have increased tension in the region, putting it on the brink of explosion.