Use "universalizing" in a sentence

1. Motivated Stanleigh Agnizing his commoner rapidly universalizing? Gastropod John-David idolizes, his cobbers personified tooth resonantly

2. Aihwa Ong and Stephen Collier formulated the concept of Global Assemblages as a response and alternative to universalizing concepts thought up to make sense of what they call global forms, abstract entities such as bioscience or finance that have global… Read More An Energy Assemblage in Practice

3. Suggesting that 1930s Moscow can be (imperfectly) Analogized as a new Rome in terms of how intellectuals and cultural producers in the Soviet capital city conceived their relationship as service to the universalizing aims of the highly-centralized Soviet system through the production of superior culture while simultaneously maintaining a cosmopolitan dialogue with cultural producers in other parts of the …

4. The soft-lending arm of the WBG – the International Development Association – created for developing countries like India, has supported activities that have had a considerable impact on universalizing primary education; empowering rural communities through a series of rural livelihoods projects; revolutionizing agriculture through support of the Green and White (milk)Revolutions; and helping to combat polio, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.