Use "unities" in a sentence

1. The principle of organic unities is wielded as yet another weapon against hedonism.

2. Articulation is the production of identity on top of differences, of unities out of fragments, of structures across practices

3. All arguments on behalf of the unities of time and place presuppose that a stage representation can be mistaken for reality.

4. All the C(3) Aurated species 1–7 show in the mass spectra (FAB+) the molecular ion [M +]: in addition peaks at higher mass, corresponding to dinuclear unities [(L–H){Au 2 (PPh 3) 2} +] are sometimes observed, likely arising from reaction in vapour phase.

5. (Cana dian Oxfo rd Dictionary) biodive rsity, biological div ersity - The variety of life, from gen es a nd s pec ies to comm unities, ecosystems, functions and pro cesse s (Protecting Cana da’s Endan gered Sp aces, H um m el, 1995) conservation -The im plem entation of me asures for the rational use, m aintenance, and reh abilitation or restoration of natural resources (Pa rks C anada b ulletin) ecosystem - an eco system is a co m m unity of organ ism s an d their non-living environm ent. F und am enta l to the system is the flow of energy via food chains and the cycling of nutrients. eco logical integrity - "An ecosystem has integ rity when it is deem ed characteristic for its natu ral region, including the com position and abund ance of na tive species and biological communities, rates of change and supporting proc ess es."