Use "united nations" in a sentence

1. Currently, 52 United Nations system organizations are accessing the United Nations Extranet.

2. The United Nations accounted for 85 per cent of total procurement by United Nations system organizations.

3. United Nations programme on public administration

4. Consules Model United Nations 2013 - Rome - …

5. The pools are reserved exclusively for United Nations Television, United Nations photographers, international wire services and photo agencies.

6. The United Nations in the Comoros

7. d Includes # ational United Nations Volunteers

8. • The United Nations system accounting standards

9. United Nations Created President Franklin D

10. Current access to United Nations documentation

11. Appropriated from United Nations Special Account

12. UN stands for the United Nations.

13. United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development

14. 3 UN stands for the United Nations.

15. United Nations system-wide IPSAS adoption activities

16. Compliance with United Nations system accounting standards

17. Abbreviation: UNSAS, United Nations system accounting standards.

18. United Nations, System of National Accounts 2008

19. [23] System of National Accounts (United Nations).

20. Article # bis] Access to United Nations Headquarters

21. a) The United Nations system accounting standards

22. Their proposal was referred to the United Nations.

23. Do you know where's the United Nations Command?

24. Prior to his address to the United Nations he will also meet the United Nations Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

25. Creating a stronger United Nations through full accountability

26. Measures to strengthen accountability at the United Nations

27. The authorities are obstructing a United Nations investigation.

28. Bank account title: United Nations Charitable Donation Account

29. Both nations are members of the United Nations.

30. Bush had managed to acquire United Nations imprimatur.

31. The Charter of the United Nations (also known as the UN Charter) is the foundational treaty of the United Nations, an intergovernmental organization

32. Addressing the United Nations General Assembly on 24 September, 2011, our Prime Minister reiterated India's support for Palestinian membership of the United Nations.

33. Two air conditioning mechanics, United Nations Volunteers (new posts);

34. Accommodation for United Nations staff in Baghdad remains limited.

35. They ruled the country under a United Nations mandate.

36. India's United Nations ambassador said the situation is desperate.

37. There are many specialized agencies in the United Nations.

38. The United Nations Organization consist of over 160 nations.

39. It is the constitution of the United Nations Organization.

40. Similarly, the United Nations also urged authorities to investigate.

41. They registered a strong protest with the United Nations.

42. 26 Do you know where's the United Nations Command?

43. The United Nations Organization consists of over 160 nations.

44. United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and to

45. The United Nations General Assembly votes to partition Palestine.

46. United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in the area.

47. The World Health Organization is a United Nations Agency.

48. A conference under the aegis of the United Nations.

49. United Nations system coordination and accountability in gender equality

50. And the United Nations is undergoing a heartening rebirth.”

51. The United Nations issued a condemnation of the regime.

52. It was officially recognized by the United Nations in 1999.

53. Construction of United Nations air terminals at the main airports

54. In time, the League gave way to the United Nations.

55. � See “Management and accountability framework”, United Nations Development Group, 2008.

56. Egypt appealed to the United Nations agency UNESCO for help.

57. An essay or paper on Criticisms of the United Nations

58. Administration of justice at the United Nations tc "63/531.

59. Alternative language is addressed in the proposed United Nations commentary

60. Abelian Ambassador Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations

61. Progress towards an accountability system in the United Nations Secretariat

62. We will loyally uphold the principles of the United Nations.

63. On # ecember of # hosted an event for Diplomats to the United Nations as well as United Nations staff who are interested in the work of AFS

64. She was appointed a US delegate to the United Nations.

65. The United Nations will continue to face an ironic situation.

66. The United Nations Security Council speedily condemned the nuclear effrontery.

67. The United Nations Security Council will debate the issue today.

68. This country is a member of the United Nations Organization.

69. The Secretary-General of the United Nations addressed the meeting.

70. a) Two air conditioning mechanics, United Nations Volunteers (new posts

71. No, according to the United Nations Fund for Population Activities.

72. The conflict ended through the mediation of the United Nations.

73. The United Nations imposed an arms embargo against the country.

74. The United Nations has authorized the use of air strikes.

75. and # ), which set apace a series of United Nations reforms

76. We support a strengthened United Nations and its affiliated agencies.

77. Administration of justice at the United Nations (A/55/57)

78. Guest at # noon Mr. Tun Myat, United Nations Security Coordinator

79. Administration of justice at the United Nations (resolution 69/203).

80. 12 India's United Nations ambassador said the situation is desperate.