Use "unimaginably" in a sentence

1. Caring for a disabled person proved to be unimaginably time- consuming.

2. 5 That army, unimaginably, would worsen under the goading pressures of famine, overpopulation, and bribery.

3. After descending many miles, following the course of the Hansbach, they reach an unimaginably vast cavern.

4. The raging Bushfires in Australia have been unimaginably devastating for the whole country — at least 29 people have been killed, over 2,500 …

5. Australia is the unexpected: a place where the world’s oldest cultures share vast ochre plains, stylish laneways and unimaginably blue waters with …

6. Big Oil and Gas Versus Democracy—Winner Take All: Rachel Maddow's Blowout offers a dark, serpentine, riveting tour of the unimaginably lucrative and corrupt oil-and-gas industry