Use "unguarded moment" in a sentence

1. You caught him at an unguarded moment.

2. In an unguarded moment, he admitted taking the file.

3. The photographers managed to capture Jane in an unguarded moment.

4. It was something I'd let out in an unguarded moment.

5. Had his anti-female attitude been weakened during an unguarded moment?

6. In an unguarded moment, I said that I didn't trust Carlo.

7. In an unguarded moment, he admitted that he wanted to quit his job.

8. The only human explanation was that one of us had said something in an unguarded moment.

9. For one aching, unguarded moment she wished she were back in his arms, nestled against his hard body.

10. As he stepped to one side, Christina had a clear view of Stephen's face in an unguarded moment.