Use "unfurled" in a sentence

1. Lo, Zion’s standard is unfurled!

2. 13 The demonstrators unfurled a large banner.

3. They unfurled their red hammer and sickle pennants.

4. Ships with unfurled sails wait to take them aboard.

5. The Argosies are large merchant ships with their stately sails unfurled

6. The knight banneret is a title Conferred in time of war, under the unfurled royal standard

7. A banner reading “Advertise the King and Kingdom” was unfurled above the platform

8. Two hours later, when the flaps of the box folded down, the antenna unfurled.

9. The banner of war has often been unfurled to the sound of his name.

10. The early members of the Church had endured tremendous adversity as the Restoration of the gospel unfurled.

11. Finally, it unfurled its flowerlike petals, revealing scientific instruments, radio antennas, solar panels, and a rover named Sojourner.

12. But as they come closer still, you see that they are ships with their sails unfurled to catch the wind.

13. Judged from his whole works , Aristotal unfurled his thoughts from four perspectives, ie. law , citizen, mutual benefit and public good.

14. In rehearsal, everything went smoothly as volunteers ran on to the field and unfurled the tarp in the allotted time.

15. As she looked up into the spotlight and the rope ladder unfurled she thought the Chinooks had come for her.

16. They made an enormous national flag 65 feet (20 m) in length and unfurled it at the top of this liberty pole.

17. For botanists, it doesn't get more exciting than this - after 75 years, the Titan Arum plant has unfurled its leaves and is in full bloom.

18. (7) Unfurled in baleful grandeur, like some dark cloud of heaven, surcharged with thunder and the brewing tempest, it rides the air, and Bedims the beams of day.