Use "unfertilised" in a sentence

1. The unfertilised egg cell began to divide to produce embryos that sometimes developed well.

2. These techniques include administration of GnRH-agonists, ovarian stimulation with cryoconservation of fertilised or unfertilised oocytes, as well as cryoconservation of ovarian tissue.

3. The genetic material of a cell from a cystic fibrosis patient, for example, can be transferred into an unfertilised egg cell with its own genetic material removed.

4. However , since in most species the unfertilised sex cell , unlike all of the other cells of the body , is haploid , the individual formed . is not genetically identical to its mother , or indeed genetically identical to anything .

5. Overall, ca. 60% of the grass mulch dry matter (mowed at 2 cm height) remained in the grass alleyway, while ca. 40% was translocated to the tree strips, which amounted to 550 kg DM (Dry Matter) in the unfertilised plot and 800 kg DM/ha/year in both fertilised plots with the five mulches in the wet year 1995.