Use "unfair" in a sentence

1. Unfair?

2. Condonation applications do not only apply to unfair dismissals and unfair retrenchments

3. It's completely unfair.

4. That's an unfair offer, and you know what an unfair offer is.

5. That's a trifle unfair.

6. He claimed unfair dismissal.

7. This is so unfair...

8. He's unfair to me.

9. Life seems so unfair sometimes.

10. It' s so fucking unfair

11. It's unfair to blame Roger.

12. But they're wrong, they're unfair.

13. That's not an unfair assessment.

14. I think that you're being unfair.

15. The punishment was harsh and unfair.

16. She won £000 for unfair dismissal .

17. Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act outlaws "unfair methods of competition" but does not define unfair.

18. It's absolutely charming, but perhaps unfair.

19. That's unfair and far too simplistic.

20. It is demonstrably an unfair comparison.

21. " especially unfair on the matter of sugar. "

22. Oh, come on, Bec, that's so unfair.

23. Opponents say the estate tax is unfair.

24. A government may abrogate any unfair treaties.

25. The omission of the girls was unfair.

26. They recounted umpteen tales of unfair treatment.

27. He accused his teacher of unfair marking.

28. Aren't you being a little bit unfair?

29. Who will reform Britain's unfair electoral system?

30. It's unfair to devalue anyone's work unjustly.

31. Isn't that just a bit too unfair?

32. They had been given an unfair advantage.

33. 3 Wilson was claiming compensation for unfair dismissal .

34. He was terribly unfair to the younger children.

35. 2 Who will reform Britain's unfair electoral system?

36. Don't you think it's a little bit unfair?

37. The typical Abductee stereotype is unfair and outdated

38. Fraud, unfair and deceptive trade practises, and racketeering.

39. But 20-20 hindsight is an unfair advantage.

40. Now that would give you an unfair advantage. "

41. The money was small compensation for unfair dismissal.

42. How'd you get your unfair opinion of men?

43. It was a very unfair portrayal of you.

44. Because, in the end, unfair trade undermines us all.

45. She was awarded £000 in compensation for unfair dismissal.

46. The system is archaic and unfair and needs changing.

47. Car insurance: an unfair deal for the fair sex?

48. He made a very unfair crack about her looks.

49. The court upheld the plaintiff's claim of unfair dismissal.

50. This is an unfair anomaly in our tax structure.

51. It's unfair to take advantage of other people's misfortunes.

52. The system is Archaic and unfair and needs changing

53. Mr. Chairman, I object. That is an unfair allegation.

54. Many employers have recognized that age discrimination is unfair.

55. This arrangement was convenient for the taxman, but unfair.

56. 13 Beholding God's Mercy When Things Seem Unfair 169

57. Your husband is a little unfair on the press.

58. The company has an unfair advantage over its competitors.

59. Why are tax systems often so complex and seemingly unfair?

60. This would have been largely unfair to the Marksman players.

61. The protesters are Agitating against the company's unfair working conditions

62. It would be unfair to penalize those without a job.

63. How can modesty help us to cope with unfair criticism?

64. The imputation that it was all his fault was unfair.

65. 22 She was awarded £000 in compensation for unfair dismissal.

66. He still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal .

67. Helen is incensed by the unfair fate of the Basts

68. 12 Many employers have recognized that age discrimination is unfair.

69. The act of assigning: His Assignment of the tasks seemed unfair

70. It would be unfair not to let you have a choice.

71. 18 The unfair advantage bestowed by pants was a lifelong grievance.

72. The process of conciliation in unfair dismissal cases serves two purposes.

73. When justice is lacking, however, unfair judgment can sweep away fortunes.

74. Any flat tax is inherently unfair, as are all regressive taxes.

75. It's unfair to dismiss somebody for a single breach of discipline.

76. The inquiry found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment.

77. The unfair wage system must be reformed as soon as possible.

78. Hand-picking Assists from Lionel Messi’s illustrious career almost feels unfair

79. I will never take an unfair advantage in order to win.

80. The court awarded her Compensation of £58 000 for unfair dismissal.