Use "unexposed" in a sentence

1. A man of untruth may go unexposed for the time being, but consider his future.

2. RSDC’s Blanking lines include three 800-ton exposed capable lines and one 600-ton unexposed press

3. The origin of the l-Abrine in the unexposed population is unknown, but may derive from diet because l-Abrine is a tryptophan derivative

4. Sphere is Archearl (>2.5 Ga); however, most of the unexposed basement and some exposed basement overlying the tectosphere are Early Proterozoic [Hoffman, 1990]

5. Carcinogen Oncology Any physical or chemical agent or substance which, when administered by an appropriate route, ↑ incidence of tumors when compared to unexposed control population. See CoCarcinogen, Complete Carcinogen, Natural Carcinogen, Proximal Carcinogen.

6. * A positive Antigen test result in an asymptomatic, unexposed individual should be immediately followed by a PCR test in a high-complexity CLIA-certified laboratory to verify the positive result

7. Ikeda et al.57 found no significant difference in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations or sister chromatid exchange in lymphocytes from 10 workers exposed to 10–220 ppm (67.8–1492 mg/m3) tetrachloroethylene compared with 11 unexposed individuals.

8. An increased incidence of hepatocellular tumours (carcinomas, adenomas) has been observed in mice exposed to benzidine (in drinking water or in the diet) compared to unexposed controls (Littlefield et al., 1983, 1984; Nelson et al., 1982; Osanai, 1976; Vesselinovitch et al., 1975).